Post by shrimp on Feb 17, 2008 21:33:46 GMT -5
[[Page-claim. :3]]
Yes, he was sure of it. The Redfruit Bronze was so much better than that stupid Stalking Eyes Bronze. And the brat had no doubt the Salamandyr would pick him and no other. However, it seemed fate had decided to grant him his biggest desire, a bronzeling, but through the wrong way – or this case flitter. As the mass of green-ish bronze creature dove for him, the boy crouched in surprise, before feeling talons scrabbling and pulling his hair everywhere. It was rather painful, and to top it off the sharding thing kept giving him feelings of hunger and annoyance.
”Gah! Scorch it, by Faranth’s bloody egg! Get off, you sharded creature! Off!!” “Just feed it and it’ll calm down, Hinuk.” “You feed it, then, I don’t want it!” “Stop being a brat and feed it, now.” “But I want a Salam—“ “Feed. It. NOW.”
A scowl was on the blond’s features as he grabbed the ‘lizard forcefully, earning a startled squeak from the small Bronze, before he shoved a piece o meatroll into his squawking mouth. He barely waited for the flitt to finish, before shoving another. Maybe he could drown it with food... Still, it seemed it would be unlikely for, though small, the Bronze sure had a large stomach, and devoured everything the boy gave him rather quickly. It was amazing he didn’t choke, given the high speed in which he was eating. At one point the lizard swallowed faster than what Hnuk cold feed it, and even nipped at the boy to hurry him up. Finally, he was fully fed – though the flitter still seemed to have a record to settle. Climbing onto his Keeper’s head the small Bronze flared his oversized wings to appear bigger, displaying himself directly at the Bronze on K’lir’s head while hissing loudly. Hah! His was definitely so much better!
”Shard it, get off from my hair! You’re making a mes—Oww!!! FINE, stupid wherry-brained thing...” “What will you name it?” “Shards, how shold I know Ket—Actually, I do know. He’s gonna be SHARDS...”
The flitter refused to come down, even biting Hinuk’s hand as they boy tried to shoo him away. Well, this was the beginning of quite the complicated relationship, it seemed.
It was rather amusing watching the Weyrbrat and his new pet, Amir chuckling softly. She had been around the Weyr since she was born, and had been involved with the raising of some of the Weyrbrats whenever she had the time to spare and help in the crèche. He’d been a new arrival, rather feisty, and – certainly – very amusing to observe. The flitter fitted him, in her opinion.
”Is she actually scolding him?” “Mmm? Oh... Hmm, it seems she is.”
Hearing Nayza, the girl turned her attention to where the brunette pointes, watching the Twisted Vines Green lecture the Ruin Brown. And... Well, it seemed that either her theory was rigth, or this was all a huge coincidence.
”Look. It seems the eggs are arranged by species. See? All Salamandyrs have been from the inner ring, and the flitters from the second ring.” “Oh! You’re right, Amir! Wow! You really think the Gold knew?” ”I don’t know... But either she did or this has all been a coincidence so far...”
(My muse perished half-way after I finished with Hinuk. XD)
Post by glamourie on Feb 18, 2008 1:24:08 GMT -5
"No, she's still angry about Trouble, even though she's finally accepting him," K'lir admitted with a light shrug. "She's outside. I told her if she can't be nice she can't come in here. She just wants to growl and pout. I don't understand it, either. Doesn't she realize she is the queen of my heart, and always will be?" It was true enough, too. Calistoth had picked him when no one else did. Calistoth loved him, when none others did. Calistoth chose him of all the candidates, and she didn't have to. He'd never forget that she was the first thing aside from K'ran to ever, truly love him; even if that love was expressed primarily in relation to herself. Calistoth was as much his as he was hers, and no firelizard, salamandyr or person could ever take her place. He blamed her insecurity on how young she was, because he'd never given Calistoth reason to doubt his affection for her. She was his other half, and in the end, that made her more important than any others.
Trouble was K'lir's brown firelizard, and Calistoth had been furious at K'lir for Impressing him. Truthfully, K'lir often forgot Trouble looked to him at all, as the little brown had realized early on that for the sake of peace, he needed to suck up to Calistoth. So it was that while K'lir was inside, Trouble was rolling out in the dirt next to the green dragon, who was still seething her fury outside. Yes, Calistoth had finally begun to tolerate Trouble... but Trouble wasn't the only problem.
For the second the salamandyr touched him, K'lir knew there was going to be a major issue. He could feel Calistoth's agitation, and the little bronze moved up, under his clothes to come settle right on his head, and then proclaimed - Ha! Mine, is mine! and K'lir paled. The little fellow was cute, but the sudden hatred from Calistoth wasn't, and K'lir backpedaled rapidly. She didn't scream. She didn't have to; he could tell she was angry, and unfortunately, Calistoth's minion decided to show up. Trouble appeared from between and scolded the bronze salamandyr loudly, only to have his wing bitten in retaliation. Is mine! Mine. Not yours. Mine! The firelizard squawked in response, and K'lir lost track of the Hatching around him as he held his little bronze away from the firelizard. Trouble squawked, his wing stinging from the bite, and then disappeared between in fury.
Perhaps it was all quite fortunate, as distracted as he was, K'lir did not notice the pair of boys bickering back and forth. If he had, he might have scolded them. Firelizards of any kind were precious. So were Salamandyrs. He'd stood often enough and been left standing plenty of times; he knew what it meant to Impress better than many people, and he'd come to love his pets more than anything... most especially his Calistoth, his Trouble, and... his Showoff; the little bronze would be called Showoff from then forth. Showoff was also silently hissing at the bronze firelizard again, displaying himself fiercely, as if to prove that he was superior.
"Stop it, stop it now, here," he said quietly as he offered Showoff a piece of meat. That temporarily placated the salamandyr. Is mine, yes? He daintily took the meat, eating it with far more grace than any of the firelizards, though the fact that he was angry still showed. And K'lir had a bad feeling that he was not going to like Calistoth any better than he liked Trouble. "You're not allowed to be biting Trouble, do you understand me?" Mine, mine. Yes, mine.
At least he's a bronze. But keep it away from me, K'lir. I don't like him, he bit my slave.
* * *
Rawign jumped, nearly ten feet into the air as he was touched. His gaze swung rapidly over to Religna and he actually brought one hand to his chest to keep from shrieking his surprise. He hadn't expected anyone to approach him, but he offered his sister a more friendly gaze than anyone had received from him in a very, very long time. Religna was one of the few people at the Weyr he genuinely cared about, and Rawign paid no attention to the hatching taking place behind him as she spoke. There was nothing going on that took precedence over Religna to him. He'd missed her, and since she Impressed, he hadn't gotten to see much of his sister. Not that it was her fault, mind.
"Huh? Yeah, I'm okay." He reached up to pry Roxie from his ear as he spoke, ignoring the ruckus going on behind him. "How're you? How is Ith? I haven't gotten to see much of you two. You're okay, right? You don't have a flitter, last I checked. You should go stand closer to the clutch. You deserve to Impress and I'm sure Ith wouldn't mind. She seems very nice." From Rawign, it was a compliment. He was odd about dragons and always had been. It got worse when he'd failed to Impress anything. But then, what dragon would want Rawign...?
* * *
"You two are being very rude," Juliya said softly, though there was little scorn in her voice. She was addressing the boy who had recently Impressed the bronze firelizard, as well as his companion. "A bronze anything should be respected, and that firelizard chose you over anyone else here. To imply he is not good enough is disrespect to him and to his dame. You owe both your firelizard and Uu'n's Salamandyr an apology." Juliya was not normally a bossy individual, but how dare that little brat imply the firelizard wasn't good enough? She had two; she loved her two, and she would not stand by and let some no good little upstart insult a queen anything that way. How obnoxious. Why, if he'd ever done that in the north ---!
--- She wouldn't have commented. She'd just have glowered, but he still wouldn't have gotten away with it. Scowling, Juliya folded her arms over her chest, before turning back toward the clutch. She was amazed anyone would behave so... rudely at a hatching of any kind. And he was probably a candidate. Tch.
* * *
[ I know this contradicts my last post, but Tirea's clutch hatching finished, and K'lir and Juliya both impressed. Neeuq, in case you didn't get to read, Juliya now has 2 firelizards - a blue and a brown - for your reference. ^^ ]
Post by shrimp on Feb 18, 2008 3:59:33 GMT -5
” You two are being very rude”
You two? Now, last time he checked, two meant more than one. And, by all means, he was trying to shut the Weyrbrat up, not agreeing with him. Honey colored eyes glared at Juliya just slightly; Ketoh was naturally protective of Hinuk, even if the brat was always nothing more than trouble. However, there was no need for him to speak, Hinuk could defend himself well enough. Plus, Ketoh knew this was just a phase, and soon enough he would come to love his Shards just like he would have loved a Salamandyr. And soon he would rubbed in his face, too.
”Excuse me, but who do you think you are to be scolding me? Last time I checked the Queen is a Salamandyr, and Salamandyrs do not like Firelizards at all. In any case, I doubt she’d be offended, but proud that someone can see just how much better her kind is over to this winged wherry-brains.”
For an eleven turn ld child he was rather calm when he spoke, though the glimmer of his sapphire eyes betrayed his looks. He was furious to be spoken in a scolding manner, even much by a total stranger, and Hinuk would not tolerate it. Besides him Ketoh sighed, h knew the girl spoke the truth – firelizard, salamandyr or dragon, it was a blessing to have any of them. Still, there would be no way to change his younger half-brother’s mind, not now at least, and her interference had only made things worst for the time being. He shot her a glance, half asking for apologies, though another side of him was rather angry she had interrupted them. After all, thy hadn’t been arguing too loud, not enough to stir the rest of the group. Perhaps a few close to them, but not everyone. And even then, what did they expect? Hinuk was not Weyr bon, and the child barely knew about Weyr life at all. They expected him to actually behave well?
The Bronze on the boy’s head hissed back at the Salamandyr, completely oblivious to Hinuk’s dislike – or maybe he just didn’t care at all. His anger was then shifted from Showoff to Juliya as she came closer to his, the tones she used with his Keeper – as well as the anger that emanated from Hinuk – was enough of a signal to wind Shards up, the firelizard taking to the air and flapping around the top of the girl’s head as he screeched – trying to make her back away. A smirk lighted the blond’s features, clearly pleased with the way his flitter handled things. Yes, perhaps he wouldn’t be so useless... Though by the First Egg, Hinuk wold be dead before he admitted such a thing openly.
”You owe both your firelizard and Uu'n's Salamandyr an apology.”
Owe? Owe? Last time he checked, he didn’t owed anything to anyone. The boy snorted, before mentally calling his firelizard back – rather forcefully. Still, it seemed not too bother Shards, for the flitter took a few more seconds to swoop down at Juliya, trying to catch hair in his talons, before flying back to Hinuk and perching on his shoulder. There the flitter crooned, rubbing himself against the boy’s cheek, and he half absently petted him back ever so lightly, before shoving another piece of food in his mouth.
”Stop that purring, you wherry-head thing.” His attention then turned to Juliya as he smirked once more. ”Sorry to disappoint you, but I don’t owe nothing to anyone. In any case you are the one making a big deal about it, and upsetting my Shards.”
If there was something the boy was good at it was molding the problems around him to fall upon someone, anyone, else except him. Right now, he was trying to pin the blame on the girl now. And, it was half-true... Due to her scolding Shards had become even more upset, enough to attempt to attack her.
Weyrleader S'rei WM M?ta Rider A'nd Harper/Handler Dmitri Weyrbrat Miguel
Posts: 2,861
Post by Requiem on Feb 18, 2008 15:24:53 GMT -5
Even tired, Uu'n's smile was nice. Some part of her always softened when he turned the expression on her. Kalierre chuckled ruefully at his comment. Neither of them had been in the best of shape. In all honesty, she thought he should be confined to the infirmary. The problem with being a dragonhealer, though, is that all the infirmary healers knew her. There was no escaping them after the surgery they'd performed on her arm so that she wouldn't bleed out as soon as the pressure was off. Kalierre didn't comment on her belief regarding his state of health - or lack thereof. She didn't want an argument. Thinking of that was better than thinking of the cries of the dying as she remained placid in the arms of that beast, waiting for the right moment. She was no longer sure that was the best decision. If she'd only acted sooner...but how could she know what would have happened, then? There was no telling. Kalierre had to keep telling herself this. Still, it didn't help her sleep any easier at night.
The dragonhealer was soon distracted by the hatching eggs. Edging closer to Uu'n, she whispered, "It didn't take long, now did it?" Nodding to the bronze salamandyr and firelizard as the drama unfolded, she shot him a knowing grin. Already fighting. Bronzes were such a pain. Arrogant lot. Kalierre resisted rolling her eyes, but barely. She hardly knew K'lir more than by name, and she didn't know the other boy at all. Mentally shrugging, the dragonhealer turned her attention back to the clutch. That made what, three impressions? Something like that. The firelizards were definitely coming out small. She supposed that made sense, intellectually. These were smaller eggs, weren't they?
Are they interesting, Mine? It's actually a bit too crazy to tell much of anything right now, lovely. Dael seems to have placed the eggs too close together for their good. Kalierre found herself chuckling at the brown and green salamandyr. He looked quite surprised to have the creature still in its egg scolding him so soundly.
Post by Administrator on Feb 18, 2008 16:54:34 GMT -5
Lura tried oh so very hard to keep out of the conversation, but that little brat boy was bothering her. And he thought he had the right to talk to a rider that way?! Faranth, this boy wasn't even worthy enough to lick her boots! Balancing Liralla ever so carefully, she said nothing as she went over and boxed the stupid boy across the ear. "You watch your mouth. You're worth nothing. That flitter is more than you deserve. I know for a fact that Zirian wouldn't even give you one of her dud eggs," she told him in a hiss, gesturing with her head to the green flitter, who's red eyes were whirling in a violent storm. "Earn your place here. I, for one, can speak with Shmee to make sure you never Stand for a dragon if this behavior keeps up." All right, so perhaps she and Shmee weren't the best of friends, but she did watch Liralla sometimes. And then there was also the fact that Shmee was too generous and would probably let the boy Stand anyway. She glared at the boy. It certainly wouldn't stop her from talking to the woman.
With that, she turned back to the clutch sourly. Even Liralla schooled her face into a grumpy look, something she undoubtedly learned from her mother. "S'ards," she muttered, something else she learned from her mother. Perhaps not the best choice of words for a one-turn old child to know, but it certainly fit the occasion. "Silly s'ards."
Zamora clucked in disgust, nuzzling his bonded lovingly. Hatchings were supposed to be better than this, even if they did have ugly little things like salamandyrs in them. He didn't necessarily want anything else in his little fair-- particularly those things-- but Lura was insistent. Imagine! Not listening to a great bronze flitter! He chattered irritably.
The little cousin is jealous,[/color] Anemith told her bonded in amusement. Lura rolled her eyes. "Zamora, the only noise I want to hear is humming. Don't be a jealous-butt," she told him sternly. With a last, grumpy squawk, he contented himself with humming.[/size]
Post by neeuqtar on Feb 18, 2008 21:17:26 GMT -5
"I'll just be glad when it's over," Uu'n sighed, rubbing his aching shoulder. While nothing had gotten infected in what was just short of a miracle, his shoulder-blade had been chipped from the impact of knife-on-bone, apparently badly enough that shards of bone had to be picked out of his flesh. It wasn't exactly a pretty picture, but then, he hadn't exactly been a pretty picture when Adith and Z'hin had hauled him in: bloody, beaten, and strikingly pale from bloodloss. Oh, and vomiting from said bloodloss, as well...
Hinuk's sharp voice hit his ears, and Uu'n's eyes narrowed as Dael's tail started flattening, the narrow ribs rubbing against his shoulder. Mean mean to baby! Bite!! Dael hissed. Uu'n had to snatch her from the air as she leapt, making him gasp in pain from the strain on his wounds and then clench his teeth as Dael sank tiny fangs into the web between thumb and forefinger. No! Let bite mean! Uu'n gritted his teeth and released Dael only after extracting a promise that she wouldn't bite Hinuk.
"Excuse me," he muttered to Kalierre before stalking over to Hinuk. The weyrling grabbed the Candidate's arm and yanked, hard enough to just about rip the boy around if he was startled enough--and hard enough to dislocate something if resisted. "You sharding idiot," the blueweyrling hissed at Hinuk, shaking him like a naughty animal. "Do you not realize that you are speaking to a fully-fledged rider? In every way she is your superior--do not dare speak so of her--or of my salamandyr's Clutch so ever again," he continued, white fury in his words, fed by the clearly angry gold salamandyr on his shoulder. He didn't even notice that he was bleeding on Hinuk.
"Get off these Sands, you pretty fool," Uu'n growled. "And if I hear that the flitter you bear on your unworthy little shoulders has so much as a flaky spot, you will have cause to regret it." His eyes flashed, and he released his powerful grip on the young Candidate's arm. "Get out," he sneered, pointing out the entrance to the Sands. Dael punctuated it by hissing, her wings and frill flared out, eyes flushing red.
While Uu'n was confronting the ingrate who dared to disparage Dael's children, the rest of the eggs had been in motion. The Muddy River Egg had gotten into the game, as had the Undergrowth Egg. With a crack! both managed to rock directly into each other, sending cracks snaking over each other. Moments later, a blue and green had managed to escape, sprawling across each other. Both firelizards, they panted from their exertions, before attempting to extricate themselves from the mess they'd created.
The Undergrowth Blue was the first to disentange himself, and knew exactly what he was doing--or at least pretended to do so. His spindly legs only carried him a few steps before he tripped, covering his magnificently dark hide in sand. Squeaking quite undignifiedly, the flitter jumped right back up, shaking his wings out before leaping into the air, winging awkwardly across the sand and stone, before colliding into the young Liralla. He chirped at the child, then promptly began to beg, while still clinging to her shirt. It was clear he'd chosen the young girl, though why was beyond asking...
The Muddy River Green was slower in getting to her feet, but sat there for a moment, chattering softly to herself. Moments later, she was pounced by the creature that leapt from the Poison Frog Egg--a yellowy-brown firelizard. Muttering at her, he jumped off, leaving the silly green squalling while he winged his way over to his intended target--Beka! He shrieked at her, demanding food, and now! This firelizard was certainly not one to put up with any nonsense, and right now... he was hungry. Very hungry!
Without further ado, the Spotted Feline Egg finally managed to vibrate itself to bits, revealing a green made of long, sleek lines, her neck arching out of the ruins of her egg to peer at the humans so high above her. Stretching out her wings, the firelizard patiently waited for her wings to dry...
In the center of the Clutch, finally, the Rainfall Egg began to twitch and shake, and then to rock with powerful surges, cracking against the remaining eggs in the inner circle and smacking the Twisted Vines Green in the back, startling her enough to flee, leaving her tail twitching in the sand behind her. The little green scampered, leaving delicate tracks, and fled to Ciara, dashing up her leg in loops (rather reminiscent of the climbing of a vine) and then settling on her belt, searching for food. Munch? Izzycadoon loowigegege bestestio nororoquenti munch okokaneereerio vestivesti munch? Munch munch... And the deluge of made-up words just... kept coming...
The Ruins Brown didn't seem to be too disconcerted by the Rainfall Egg, or his sister's reaction, and snatched her still-twitching tail, and quite pleasantly, began to eat it, purring to himself happily. Apparently cannibalism was perfectly acceptable... at least for tails... A first flake of the Rainfall Egg fell off, revealing a brilliant metallic gleam. The egg continued to shake. Was it another queen--or merely a bronze?
Rainfall Egg: Hatching: metallic hide revealed
First Ring
Twisted Vines Egg: Impressed to Ciara: Green salamandyr. Forest Floor Egg: Cracked, moving uncertainly. Parrot Egg: Rocking harder. Flying Buttress Egg: Shivering. Redfruit Egg: Impressed to K'lir: Bronze salamandyr Showoff. Tangled Jungle Egg: Impressed to Kayla: Blue salamandyr Shiny. Ruins Egg: Hatched: Brown salamandyr. Eating the Twisted Vines Green's dropped tail.
Second Ring
Muddy River Egg: Hatched: Green firelizard. Undergrowth Egg: Impressed to Liralla: Blue firelizard. Flooded Egg: Hatched: Blue firelizard. Poison Frog Egg: Impressed to Beka: Brown firelizard. Fallen Tree Egg: Rolling about. Stalking Eyes Egg: Impressed to Hinuk: Bronze firelizard Shards. Shadowed Egg: Unmoving. Spotted Feline Egg: Hatched: Green firelizard. Sultry Heat Egg: Rocking hard.
Post by neeuqtar on Feb 18, 2008 21:23:30 GMT -5
Undergrowth Blue Color Code: 191970
Descriptions: A stark midnight blue, this creature is magnificently colored. Two lighter dots mark the top of his headknobs, which make them look remarkably like antennae, as well as speckling his haunches, with one or two blue “freckles” on his muzzle. Long limbs that look far too spindly for him as a hatchling are soon grown into, with a long, lithe body and wings that keep growing, and growing, and growing… As an adult, this blue will still be a small creature, but his narrow, long wings will make him a master of the skies, though the ground will be quite mysterious to him, and landing vaguely impossible. Often he’ll have to be caught out of the air, rather than making any sort of sane landing, and he will stay aloft (once he learns how) until he can’t fly any longer.
Personality: Always eager to learn new things, the curiosity of this firelizard can get him into loads of trouble at times. Always poking his long nose into places where it shouldn’t be, doubtlessly he will gain a collection of scars on his muzzle and dirt in his nose. He is easy to train, and loves being a messenger, to the point where he will present his leg every time he catches his humanpet writing something down. With a deep desire for friendship, this little boy will do anything to please, even if it’s dangerous for him or extremely difficult to do. His owner will have to take care not to exploit his willing spirit, or this creature’s life will turn into a rather pathetic experience.
Poison Frog Brown Color Code: AA6600
Description: This brown is an ugly yellow-brown color, and certainly unattractive at first glance. Darker shades of brown mark his back-ridge, and a particularly dark hue gives him socks, like he has been walking in mud for a little while. Tiny wings, far more reminiscent of a salamandyr’s than a flitter’s, are barely enough to hold him aloft, and even that requires effort. Instead, this boy is going to turn to climbing and gliding for most of his transportation needs, and become a master of between. In order to get him to go deliver messages, it will be necessary to toss him into the air so that he can quickly get the altitude for betweening to his destination. Angles and lines are the definition of his bony body, and no matter how much he eats, he’ll never get fat, though he may one day bulk up to the point where he doesn’t look painfully thin—but don’t count on it!
Personality: Clever and conniving, this firelizard is not one to be left to his own devices. In all likelihood, he’ll attempt to gain his own fair of greens and blues at just about every firelizard Hatching, so don’t be surprised if he somehow manages to bring back a friend or two at some point! Like wild firelizards, he is quite subservient to queens of all species, though he still wants to gain “followers” by flitter-flitter Impression to increase his status in the greater fair of the Weyr, much like any other brown in the wild. He considers his humanpet to be part of “his” fair, and will likely try and boss you around! Training him is absolutely impossible, for this sneaky creature will either right out ignore orders and suggestions, or do his very best to subvert them, rather than submit his indomitable will to yours. The only way to ever get him to do what you want will be to trick him into thinking he wanted to do it all along!
Twisted Vines Green Color Code: 008000
Appearance: An itsy-bitsy creature, this green will not be very large, even for a salamandyr. Her stunning emerald hide is completely flawless, and surprisingly enough, completely unmarked. She looks like a gem in motion, and all of her movements, while darting and quick, are completely fluid. This little beauty is faster than just about any other creature, and seems to get great joy from scampering about and generally getting in the way, though it’s impossible for her to get stepped on or hurt, fast as she moves!
Personality: Constantly on the move, this green chatters non-stop, her mindvoice giving what she considers to be a running commentary of her life, though it’s mostly nonsense syllables with one or two words mixed in, which can make her very difficult to understand at times. A typical conversation snippet might go like this: …rashivencha juyikekekeke wet! Ishyishypokatoka gogogoblarimerit aquewvesh WETWETWET neyshente ruiopionil… The only time you’ll ever get her to shut up is when she collapses from complete exhaustion, usually in the worst ever places, and requires being rescued.
And even then, it’s not a complete recourse, as this little beauty will murmur in her sleep. Even in Runs she’ll continue her nonsense chatter, though of course it’s much worse, since she’ll be as tightly bonded as any green in Flight. Incredibly loving, this green will never purposefully do anything to harm hers, and though she might get amazingly annoying, she is a constant source of unbounded affection and love, and is perfectly willing to snuggle—at least for a couple seconds, until she finds the next thing that requires her wiggly attention!
Post by irbre on Feb 18, 2008 22:52:50 GMT -5
Although Tenmor was trying desperately to watch the Hatching, the other Candidate, Hinuk, was getting on his last nerves as well. One should be honored to have a firelizard, especially a bronze! His eyes narrowed but he turned his gaze sharply away, fixing his sights on the eggs again. Two more eggs, the Undergrowth and Muddy River, had hatched, revealing a pair of blue and green firelizards. The blue flitt found His extremely quickly and latched onto her, causing Tenmor's lips to twitch up in a slight smile. The firelizards were obviously happy to be free and he didn't blame them. It must have been hard to be locked up in an egg.
There was more hatching, but this time from the Salamandyr end. Tenmor couldn't help but smile at the green salamandyr took off. His smile dropped when her tail detached. His smile disapperaed altogether, replaced by a look of pure, unadulterated horror as her brother began to calmly eat her tail. Was that...cannibalism? He tried to turn his gaze away from the completely unnerving sight as the Ruins Brown continued to cheerily devour his sister's tail. He fixed his eyes unblinkingly on the Rainfall Egg. Through the flaking shell, he could see the glitter of a metallic hide. The only question on his mind was whether it was bronze or gold. It at least offered a brief respite from the site of salamandyr cannibalism.
Weyrleader S'rei WM M?ta Rider A'nd Harper/Handler Dmitri Weyrbrat Miguel
Posts: 2,861
Post by Requiem on Feb 19, 2008 1:01:30 GMT -5
Kalierre really hadn't been paying all that much attention to the strange candidate. Some could blame that on the present company at her elbow, or the general pandemonium all the salamandyrs and flitters seemed to be creating amongst themselves. Mostly, though, she was a woman northern-bred. If a man - even a young boy - was acting like a complete idiot, it wasn't a woman's place to call him out on it. Nor was this a conscious decision on the greenweyrling's part. She'd simply become accustomed to the practice of ignoring males when they were acting out of line, as it removed the temptation to step in. Northern women simply didn't have that luxury. Northern women toeing the line at Benden Weyr with a small bit of authority really didn't have that luxury. If a man had ever felt threatened by her there...Well, it wouldn't have been very pretty.
She glanced at the gold salamandyr, wincing sympathetically when the small creature bit into Uu'n's hand, merely returning his utterance with a small nod. Strangely enough, as she watched the exchange going on between the candidate and the blueweyrling through the corner of her eye, she could only worry that Uu'n was straining himself too much. A healer's mind, there. If she didn't stop watching the confrontation, she'd be inclined to walk up to him and embarrass him in front of everyone, mothering him like that. Kalierre turned her gaze back to the clutch.
The dragonhealer watched the tangle of firelizards with open curiosity. She settled into a casual crouch, studying the hatching clutch with keen interest. The tiny wings of that one with a color that could only be described as ugly, the monstrosity of the small blue. All of the flitters were small, but they certainly had strange wings. Apparently the salamandyr genes mixing with those of a firelizard's weren't at all a good thing. It made her briefly wonder if all the creatures in this clutch might not be sterile. Cross-breeding usually resulted in that sort of thing.
Kalierre's pensive, inquisitive expression never shifted, but then, she was a dragonhealer, after all. Salamandyrs had a mental capacity closer to that of dragons, even if all the rest of the genetics pointed toward firelizards being higher up on the evolutionary ladder. Blinking as the egg with the metallic creature startled the green salamandyr, the woman could only watch in morbid fascination as the brown ate that green's tail. By Faranth...Was it possible that salamandyrs might be inclined to eat more than just the tail? That would be intriguing. And vaguely disgusting, certainly. Doubtless they didn't hunt one another. Or maybe they did? How would anyone know, truly? Before now, Dael was the only known salamandyr on the face of Pern.
Post by shrimp on Feb 19, 2008 10:41:37 GMT -5
"You watch your mouth. You're worth nothing. That flitter is more than you deserve. I know for a fact that Zirian wouldn't even give you one of her dud eggs. Earn your place here. I, for one, can speak with Shmee to make sure you never Stand for a dragon if this behavior keeps up." ”Hey! Oww! Who gave you permission to hit me?! You’re not my mother, you know!” “Hinuk, that’s enough.” “Well, she hit m—“ “I don’t care. Yo’re acting like a spoiled brat. What would father even say of you?” “Pfft, he’s not my father. And stop trying to lecture me like you are my brother. ‘Cause you’re not!”
The older lad had grabbed the kid by the collar of his neck, earning a hiss from the Bronze flitter who made an attempt to bite Ketoh’s hand. He released him quick enough to avoid him, though honey colored eyes glared at the smaller brat as he spoke. Even though, he refrained himself from actually knocking some sense into him – Hinuk already had been through enough these past sevendays, and it was clear his bratty behavior was, in a way, a childish defense he placed up. Sadly, though, not everyone would understand that, and it so happened that he managed to get on the nerves of the owner of the golden salamandyr who was the mother of the clutch.
”Huh?! Owwww, owwwowwwowww! Let me go, you brute!!!!” You sharding idiot! Do you not realize that you are speaking to a fully-fledged rider? In every way she is your superior--do not dare speak so of her--or of my salamandyr's Clutch so ever again.”
If the BlueWeyrling’s anger hadn’t been enough to scare him, the blood spilling upon his arm and shirt was. Though Hinuk wasn’t one who took being shaken like a beast well, whatever retorts or complains he might have had were lost. Sapphire eyes widened greatly, the boy’s skin paling even more [if it was even possible for his skin to do so], his expression seeming as if he’d just been plundered into the worst of nightmares and been confronted by a ghost. The flitter he’d impressed had seemed to pick up on his new’s Keeper’s feelings, eyes whirling with reds and whites as he screeched loudly, attempting fake lunges at the hand that so held his owner so strongly.
”Bloo- Blood! Get it off from me! Let me go! Letmegoletmego!!! Let.Me.Go!!!!” ”Get off these Sands, you pretty fool. And if I hear that the flitter you bear on your unworthy little shoulders has so much as a flaky spot, you will have cause to regret it. Get out!”
No sooner he was released the boy tumbled, before making a more than hasty retreat. The flitter, losing balance, was knocked back before landing on Ketoh’s arms, though upon seeing the strawberry blond child run off he quickly followed. Soon he was clinging back on his shoulder, as the boy disappeared through the entrance of the Hatching Grounds. He’d fled for the only place he’d been around since his arrival to the Weyr, the crèche. Arriving to his bed the boy simply curled himself inside the furs, shivering as he refused to get out. ’Blood… Hideous blood…’ He had managed to strip himself of his shirt, the bundle of white and red lying somewhere around the floor, the Bronze flit entangled somewhere in it. Finally finding the exit, Shards chirped softly, climbing the bed before circling the furs to where he believed His’ head to be at. A small chirp was given again, before the flitter burrowed himself around, finally gaining entry to the boy’s makeshift shelter of furs.
”… Shards? Wh-What do yo-you want? You al—ready ate…”
His voice cracked between whimpers and whines, another small chirp being the reply of his new pet, the Bronze nudging the small boy softly. His eyes still whirled with remains of whites, the ghostly and distant look upon the boy’s eyes was enough to even frighten the young firelizard. Still, as the Bronze insisted with his nudging and croons Hinuk finally relented, wrapping his arms around the runt form of his Shards, refusing to let go now. The firelizard didn’t seem to have a problem with this, however, continuing to croon and make an almost purring noise as he rubbed his small head on Hinuk’s cheeks.
Back on the sans Ketoh sighed, watching the retreating form of his younger half-brother disappear. He’d seen his eyes, and the reaction only enforced that his thoughts were right. Hinuk was deadly frightened of human blood, and with good reasons. It probably reminded him of that night… Turning his gaze to Uu’n he said nothing, though golden eyes betrayed his cool composure as they glared to the BlueWeyrling. Sure, Hinuk was being a brat – but the other male still had no right to hold and shake him so forcefully, or spill blood on him for that matter. Alas, he decided to stay and say nothing, no need to further anger those presents – and HInuk would not take kindly to his presence if he ran off after the boy. No, the brat didn’t like to be seen in his moment of “weakness”, even less by the person he sought out to always compete and win against. He’d go visit him later, when he cooled down. Shards, hopefully, would be all the company he would need for now.
Both Nayza and Amir had stopped paying attention to HInuk long ago, he was none of their business. Plus, the older of the two had recognized him and Ketoh as the new arrivals of a few sevendays ago. They’d come from a caravan, though why or how they had ended up here she still didn’t knew. Turning both their attentions to the impressions, Nayza gasped in shock as she watched the green’s tail slip off – before making a look of I’m-going-to-throw-up as she watched the Ruins Brown contently devour it slowly, as if cannibalism was more than perfectly ok. The blue flitter on Amir’s shoulder gave a curious chirp, making a motion to glide down – before his Keeper held his tail tightly.
”Don’t you dare go down there. And don’t you even think you can start chewing off firelizards’ and salamandyrs’ tails off for food. No.”
Chast gave a disappointed chirp, remaining on the nineteen turn candidate’s shoulder, though his eyes were ever focused on the brown and his… Cannibalistic nature. Nayza was more than thankful for a chance to look away, though as she watched Uu’n scold – and drip blood upon – Hinuk the female was not certain if she would have preferred watching the Brown Salamandyr eat his sister’s tail. This hatching was one madness after another… Thus, she turned to look back at the clutch, watching as the Rainfall Egg revealed a metallic hide, though whether it was Gold or Bronze was unknown still. And so Nayza focused herself on that, instead. It was better trying to guess a color that watch Uu'n scold the brat, or the Brown eat a tail. Amir, though, was more attentive to Chast now, making sure the blue flitter did not glide down to where Ruins Brown was and attempt to share this new meal.
((I exhausted my muse. XD))
Post by Administrator on Feb 19, 2008 22:44:27 GMT -5
Lura grumbled, watching the stupid lad stalk away. If he was older, she'd punch him, but she had a rule for herself to never punch little boys. Even rotten, egotistical brats like that one. Still making a note to talk to Shmee, she turned to Juliya. "Looks like someone spared that rod with that one, didn't they?" she muttered. Now, really- there was a limit to how much you could spoil your child. She would never let Liralla become that snooty. Bouncing the child whose grumpy look was still plastered onto her chubby baby-cheeks, Lura looked down into the gaggle of eggs expectantly. Salamandyrs... they were odd little creatures, weren't they? She raised a dark eyebrow as she admired the hatchlings. The flitters, too, were cute, but she had seen them before. These things, on the other hand, never ceased to amaze her. They were all in the same colors as dragons, too, which made sense. Flitters and whers had the same colors, so why shouldn't salamandyrs? It was logical.
As she pondered these thoughts, she didn't even notice as Liralla's grumpy looked shifted. Her blue eyes locking with the whirling eyes of the flitter hatchling, she squealed. "Ma, ma!" she exclaimed as he barreled towards her. Lura didn't even have time to look before he slammed into the babe. Gurgling, one smooth arm reached to him, grabbing one of the blue's wings. "Mine?" she announced possessively as he chirped to her. Lura blinked, sheer confusion on her cold features. Liralla wasn't supposed to have a flitter! In an attempt to coax the creature onto her own arm, the blue snarled, wrapping his long tail around Liralla's leg. She giggled, and Lura sighed. Well, at least blues weren't terribly bad...
Carefully placing meat into her daughter's hand, Liralla gripped it tightly. Sensing food, the creeling blue looked up, diving at the morsel. Grunting in surprise, Liralla let go of it, only to have her mother shove more food into her little hand. Once again, just as Liralla grabbed on, the blue snatched it. Liralla, naturally, resisted, trying to tear away the food-toys from the creature, but he would have none of it. Wrenching it from her grasp every time, he would not stop until his belly was full. Crooning then, he snuggled with the babe, who blinked in surprise.
Lura, too, was surprised. Turning to Juliya helplessly, she finally said softly, "...Wow. This... A flitter wanted her? She's only a little over a turn!" Shaking her dark head, she muttered, "It's a mystery."
"'Yst'ry," Liralla echoed, petting the flitter lovingly, albeit with hard strokes. However, the flitter was sleeping too soundly to notice, and only let out the slightest peep in acknowledgement at what Liralla called him, his name: Istery.
Post by missa on Feb 20, 2008 5:43:31 GMT -5
Perhaps it was lucky her dragon rather liked flitters, he didn't throw a fit every time one came anywhere near her either. He'd accepted that Anai had been there first, though he refused to believe she loved Theirs any more than he did. "Fair enough, is Trouble really that bad though?" Beka asked curiously, rolling her eyes as Anai chirped softly for attention, though it was directed at K'lir, not Hers.
Jumping as the bronze salamandyr seemed to claim K'lir, Beka glanced at the enterance, almost expectinng Calistoth to storm in unhappily, when she didn't, Beka assumed she'd accepted that K'lir had impressed again, smiling slightly. "Looks like you've become rather popular of late." She teased, glasncing up at the bronze salamandyr, "It must be your... Uh, loving nature and Calistoth's good looks. Can't imagine why you didn't get one be-" The rest was cut off in a yelp as a brown attatched himself to her, gaining a squawk of displeasure from Anai as attention was taken once again.
"Oh no, no, no, no." Beka grimaced, prying the talons from her shirt and attempting to place him on the ground. Only to have her hands twined about, a tail wrapped around her wrist and an annoyed hiss directed at her. "Don't hiss at me-" Of course, he hissed, louder, until Beka scowled at him, "You don't want me you silly creature. Go find someone else that can love you." Just feed him. Of course, Thoth was enjoying this, he liked flitts, and it seemed like this brown would be quite fun, Anai already didn't like him. "I swear the whole world is against me sometimes. Fine, alright, I'll feed you. Pain in the arse." Oh look he had a name, chirping brightly as meat was handed to him, the brown hissed rigth back at Anai.
His comical reaction actually got a small, very soft laugh out of Religna, her mouth twitching with amusement as she muffled it. Since Impressing Ith, time with her brother had been nearly impossible, time of any sort was almost impossible. Ith required attention, even if she felt bad for asking for it, and Religna was only too happy to lavish attention on the green.
Assessing him quietly, as though searching to see if he was lying, Religna eventually smiled, shrugging one shoulder. "I'm okay, a bit tired. Ith's fine, she says to thank you for asking." A pause before she answered the next question, shrugging one shoulder, "I'm okay, I've been worried about you." Yes, you should listen to your clutchbrother. He knows best, I want a flitter too. Or one of those other ones. What did you call them? Salamandyrs? "No, I don't have a flitt. Ith wants one, that's pretty much why I'm here, but you looked like you needed company, and besides, I haven't been able to see much of you." Smile brightened at the compliment to her dragon, Religna nodding happily, "She is, lovely. I love her so much, she likes you... She says you're very nice, and you have flitts, she likes flitters for some reason."
Uh, what's it eating? E'nor asked silently, not at all certain he wanted to know, even less sure as Clestioth hesitated, picking up from the images Kel was sending him. It appears to be a tail- Okay! No more! E'nor cut across his dragon swiftly, already feeling unwell. They were eating each other. Or at least, one of them was, and that one, E'nor hoped he stayed away from. Not that he expected to impress, but a little salamandyr would be nice...
Post by neeuqtar on Feb 20, 2008 20:51:39 GMT -5
Faint surprise accompanied Hinuk's terror and fleeing. Was he really that scary? Noticing the blood on his hand, Uu'n shrugged and stuck the wound into his mouth, stalking back over to Kalierre. Without actually thinking, he plopped his forehead down on her shoulder and sighed. "Dael's giving me a headache with all this red," he muttered, before straightening up. The young man looked truly exhausted, and his shoulder was throbbing. Again.
Not that he'd ever tell anyone that, especially not a healer. The infirmary was not his chosen abode...
The Ruins Brown finished his cannibalistic meal, then chirped quite happily. More food? Hmmm... Tilting his head as if going through all of the possible applicants to the position of "loyal slave," the brown paused, before leaping up, tiny wings flapping furiously, and beelining--to Tenmor, completely ignoring the horror of the boy. Poke! Quite pleasantly (and rather full), the salamander stretched langorously--then disappeared down Tenmor's shirt, tiny talons leaving itchy cuts. The master... had chosen!
Not to be outdone, the Flooded Blue finally ceased his piteous mewling (which seemed to get him absolutely nowhere). Taking a deep breath, the blue flitter shrieked at the top of his lungs, an endless wail that must have been fed by some horrible form of circular breathing. And it lasted until the Rainfall Egg shattered, the bronze salamandyr surging out and chomping on the blue flitter's tail--hard! The shrieking wail turned into... another wail, this one born out of pain rather than hunger. The beautiful brassy salamandyr released his brother, who rushed away, then skidded as a tiny beetle caught his eye.
Detouring to catch the insect, the blue firelizard ended up running into Rawign's foot. Chattering angrily, he darted past the boy, bouncing into the air and catching some sort of flying insect mid-flight, before flying back to the young man. Tired now, and getting hungrier by the second, the Flooded Blue collapsed on his head, cheeping piteously at him. He was so hungry~~
The Rainfall Bronze did not waste his time, scampering off to the one he had decided on. Still damp, the bronze rushed up Uu'n's leg, peeping cheerily at his mother. The young man almost flew through the air. "No! I absolutely refuse to lust after myself! Choose HER!" With remarkable reflexes and agility for someone who had barely escaped getting his spine severed not too long ago, Uu'n snatched the bronze off his shoulder and flung him at Kalierre. The blueweyrling's aim was good; the bronze ended up clinging for dear life to Kalierre's chest. Ow, the bronze complained, talons reflexively dug into the cloth of the healer's shirt. He mean. You feed? the bronze queried.
During all this excitement, two more eggs had broken open--the Forest Floor Egg and the Sultry Heat Egg. The first dropped perhaps the ugliest salamandyr in the Clutch, and the second the most beautiful firelizard. With a disgustingly wet shloop noise, the Forest Floor Green flopped out of her egg, sticky and wet from the innards. It appeared as if she had contracted a horrible case of mold or perhaps a terrible disease; whatever it was, she was not pretty. On the other hand, the Sultry Heat Brown was perfectly proportioned, and a hue of fantastic mahogany-chocolate. His sisters--the Muddy River and Spotted Feline Greens both paused to stare at him.
With a mrrt sound, the Muddy River Green tore her adoring gaze away first, and hopped off. Jumping off the sands and into the air, she trilled prettily and flapped away, before plopping directly onto Religna's head. The girl would soon feel the touch of the green's mind...
Rainfall Egg: Impressed to Kalierre: Bronze salamandyr.
First Ring
Twisted Vines Egg: Impressed to Ciara: Green salamandyr. Forest Floor Egg: Hatched: Green salamandyr. Parrot Egg: Rocking with the skill of a rock star. Flying Buttress Egg: Cracking all over. Redfruit Egg: Impressed to K'lir: Bronze salamandyr Showoff. Tangled Jungle Egg: Impressed to Kayla: Blue salamandyr Shiny. Ruins Egg: Impressed to Tenmor: Brown salamandyr.
Second Ring
Muddy River Egg: Impressed to Religna: Green firelizard. Undergrowth Egg: Impressed to Liralla: Blue firelizard Istery. Flooded Egg: Impressed to Rawign: Blue firelizard. Poison Frog Egg: Impressed to Beka: Brown firelizard Pain-in-the-arse. Fallen Tree Egg: Rolling about. Stalking Eyes Egg: Impressed to Hinuk: Bronze firelizard Shards. Shadowed Egg: Unmoving. Spotted Feline Egg: Hatched: Green firelizard. Sultry Heat Egg: Hatched: Brown firelizard.
Post by neeuqtar on Feb 20, 2008 20:59:38 GMT -5
Ruins Brown Color Code: 5E2612
Description: Tiny for a brown, even a salamandyr brown, this alabaster creature is a pale shade of brown. Darker markings paint his entire hide in swirls that appear almost tribal, stark shades of bitter klah against the paleness of his hide. Nothing blends together, rather remaining painted on in intricate, nearly geometric patterns, very exotic and strange. His delicate form and lithe movements are those of a dancer, and even the gentle thrum of his breathing seems, somehow, otherworldly. The tip of his tail is prone to twitch to express his emotions, along with the slightest movements of his frill. Only when he is truly angry will he flare his frill completely, revealing two russet spots that streak out into sunbursts.
Personality: In a human, this salamandyr’s personality could best be called “eccentric.” Impossibly to predict and incredibly erratic in behavior, this brown is constantly doing the weirdest things. He tastes absolutely everything, and seems to have a penchant for hiding, always popping out in the most inopportune of times. Rather than ever choose to learn what his minething desires, this boy will ignore everyone at times, then beg for attention minutes later. For some reason, he likes to rip up plants and carry around little bits of greenery in his mouth, spitting the mangled, pulped bits into areas that get interesting reactions. The floor, shoes, down shirts, into food, carefully deposited in ears…
Willing to at least coincide with firelizards and other draconids, this brown is convinced that they are lesser beings, and thus, not worth even paying attention to. No matter how hard a firelizard or dragon may work at gaining his attention, this brown will never regard them with anything, nor ever turn his attention to them. As far as he is concerned, only mammals and salamandyrs exist; the rest are just vaguely annoying rocks that he can’t sun on without getting into some sort of trouble. Interestingly, this brown likes to “paint,” finding things that stain and getting them all over his feet—then tracking them everywhere. Particular favorites will grow to include skin—including his—and assignments.
Flooded Blue Color Code: 4169E1
Description: A soft shade of blue dominates this firelizard’s hide, like the color of cornflowers or a delicate powder-blue. His underbelly, feet, and much of his tail are a paler color, which makes him difficult to see from below when aloft in the sky. Near-perfectly proportioned, though small and delicate, this firelizard is unfortunately prone to getting fat, which will certainly affect his ability to fly! Indeed, he seems to prefer the ground despite his beautiful wings, chasing insects and tunnelsnakes alike for extra snacks, and gleefully running up people’s pants legs to startle them. In the air he is graceful, though not as much as some flitters, for he doesn’t get nearly the practice, but his hop-glides on the ground get him around quite quickly.
Personality: A good description of this little beastie would definitely be “hungry.” Always looking for a snack, he will try to munch on just about anything that might be food, including fingers, rocks, feathers… This blue will also grow to have a penchant for gnawing on sticks, and it’s a good idea to keep a few twigs on hand for him to worry at, rather than have him taste-test everything in the vicinity. Indeed, it’s almost unnecessary to feed him, for this blue will feed himself as he gets older, from natural food such as fingertails, bugs, and tunnelsnakes, as well as food he’s managed to beg from others. But he’ll still expect a meal from you—just make sure to keep him on a diet! Training him will be quite simple, so long as you bait him with food-treats, for he will learn everything from useful skills to silly tricks for a tiny treat!
Rainfall Bronze[/u] Color Code: A2BC13
Appearance: A stunning brassy color, this salamandyr will be fully as large as his mother—that is, the size of a small green firelizard—once he reaches his full size. Dark, nearly black markings, in layered diamonds, start on the top of his head and travel down to the tip of his very long tail, getting vaguer on his back before becoming crisply diamond on his tail. His frill is a dark bronze, with near-black Vs and ribs that are darker still, which makes his display quite beautiful.
Personality: Pushy, overbearing, and extremely overprotective, this bronze is not one to accept the encroaching of others into his “territory,” which will rapidly expand to include his minething’s rooms, self, friends, sitting area… really, the whole world is his, as far as this salamandyr is concerned. Quite willing to talk to others besides his minething, this bronze can be quite chatty, though his form of conversation usually includes insults and manglings of incredibly impolite words.
This bronze will never forgive an insult, except (perhaps) from His, though he has a longer memory than most for wrongs done to him—don’t be surprised if an incident you have forgotton becomes a source of revenge down the road! It’s quite easy for this salamandyr to take offense, even from something as small as accidentally scaring off an insect he intended to eat, and he seems to get unholy delight from hissing, biting, and flaring at everyone and everything.
Muddy River Green Color Code: 228B22
Description: While small at first, this green will soon surpass many of her siblings, growing to be the size of an average blue. Her squat, wide wings are best designed for gliding and soaring, catching thermals and breezes with ease. But beware of the calm day! This green has great difficulty flying straight, and will soon become exhausted with the constant flapping that maintaining altitude will require of her without any sort of aid. Her Flights will likely be on windy days, and far more like the straight-flying powering of a queen dragon than the quick, darting twists and turns of your average green. Her hide is a lovely leaf-green, free of markings, though her talons are a browner hue than normally seen on firelizards, and longer than usual.
Personality:This green is always very chipper, willing to chatter on at you in fire-lizard at all hours if you’ll let her. Completely adoring of her minething, she will be a constant companion and care about nobody else, often seeming incredibly rude to other people and pets because of her hurry to get to YOU! A miserable messenger, this silly creature is more likely to try and deliver your message to a riderless runner in the middle of the jungle than its actual intended recipient. Sending her off with a message might be a good way to get rid of her for a couple ours, but be ready to tend to an exhausted and miserable creature when she finally does return, for she always feels awful when she fails in a task her minething has sent her to do. All in all, she is a far more pleasant companion than helper, and a very good friend.
Post by irbre on Feb 20, 2008 22:46:10 GMT -5
Tenmor blinked, turning his gaze back towards the sight of the Ruins Brown just in time to see him zooming towards Tenmor, clearly intent on his new slave. Horrified even further, Tenmor realized that the brown blur was the salamandyr he had just seen devouring his sibling's tail. Shades of excitement. Tenmor was about to open his mouth and cry out (well, hopefully just yell slightly) but was interrupted quite sharply by a voice. In his mind.
Poke! It wasn't that Tenmor was a fool. Things like a cannibalistic salamandyr attacking him were a bit strange in his book, if not wholly unexpected. He had known that salamandyrs spoke mentally, but he hadn't been expecting it. At all. He blinked, staring down at the brown, noticing for the first time that the salamandyr - his salamandyr - was quite beautiful. Although his hide was pale, intricate, whorling markings patterned out in a darker klah color, looping and twisting gracefully. As the salamandyr stretched contentedly, Tenmor couldn't help but admire the beauty of the small creature, it's body twisting lithely to and fro. The small creature blinked up at Tenmor with bright eyes before immediately disappearing down his shirt, flicking his tail slightly in Tenmor's face.
Tenmor couldn't help but let out a startled yelp as the creature made himself at home, using Tenmor's skin as an anchor to hold himself up. The Candidate did a brief jig on the spot, face shifting between a few different expressions, each more unique that the last. The little salamandyr's claws hurt, shard it! Finally, having enough of that, Tenmor reached down and snatched the brown up, attempting to stare it seriously in the eyes. The creature looked at him, then glanced away somewhat hungrily.
"You just ate a tail, how can you be hungry!?" Tenmor exclaimed in a high-pitched whine, completely out of character. The brown salamandyr glanced back at His curiously, head tilting slightly to the side, tail twitching. For a moment Tenmor thought that the salamandyr might actually say something intelligent, but it opted for another Poke! and gave His a prod before writhing gracefully out of Tenmor's grasp and disappearing down his shirt once more, much to Tenmor's growing ire. The Candidate glanced back up, noticing that he had missed some of the Hatching, then looked back down as the minuscule bulge in his shirt. The little puff moved around a bit before settling himself securely onto His, curling his warm little body up against Tenmor's belly. The boy smiled slightly, giving the brown a delicate pat through his shirt. The little beast shouldn't be hungry for awhile. At least, he hoped so.
[His name will be Cannibal, by the way. xD]