Welcome to Selenitas!
The time-skip is officially in place!
There are adoptable Lord and Lady Holders, go check them out!
You may have noticed the shiny new layout. Thanks Tahki!
Gold Kaiusk will be the first gold to clutch so get your wher candidates ready!
Have a green ready to Rise? Contact an admin!

<< The Info >>

Board Threads Posts Last Post
No New Posts announcements;

Extra, extra, read all about it -- updated news, gossip, and more!

10 126 Weyr Restart
by Zephyr
Dec 2, 2012 20:38:07 GMT -5
No New Posts rules;

Must-reads; these will cover everything from OoC behavior to the rules your characters should follow.

5 5 OOC Rank List
by Administrator
Apr 9, 2008 10:34:56 GMT -5
No New Posts basic information;

History, timelines, maps and more -- it's all here for your convenience!

Subforums: guides

Sub-board: guides;

17 26 Guide to Kymans
by Administrator
May 4, 2012 20:40:24 GMT -5
No New Posts records;

Previous clutch Impressions, Flights records, wing listings, it's all here if you ever need a reference!

Subforums: request forms

Sub-board: request forms;

16 32 Flight Records
by Administrator
Jun 19, 2012 18:28:30 GMT -5
No New Posts characters;

A collection of all active characters on Selenitas can be found here!

Character posting template inside.

Subforums: selenitas riders, inverness riders, selenitas weyrlings, inverness weyrlings, selenitas wherhandlers, selenitas wherlings, candidates, selenitas weyrfolk, inverness weyrfolk, holdfolk, pending, adoptables

Sub-boards: selenitas dragonriders;, inverness dragonriders;, selenitas weyrlings;, inverness weyrlings;, selenitas weyr wherhandlers;, selenitas weyr wherlings;, the candidates;, selenitas weyrfolk;, inverness weyrfolk;, the holdfolk;, the pending;, the adoptables;

159 187 Miguel
by Requiem
Dec 27, 2013 21:46:07 GMT -5

<< Selenitas Weyr >>

Board Threads Posts Last Post
No New Posts hatching grounds;

An off shoot of the ground level ring, this cavern is accessible to all from the weyrbowl. Inside are many large dragon couches from which dragons may watch as well as separated Stands for human viewers. The Stands are separated by a six foot wall from the baby dragons for the protection of the audience.

0 0 No posts have been made on this board.
No New Posts candidate barracks;

Located on the second ring from the top, the candidate barracks is the home of both weyrbred and holdbred candidates until the Clutch hatches. The lesson room for candidates is also in this area.

2 6 I Want An Adventure! {OPEN}
by Chey
Jan 1, 2014 0:30:34 GMT -5
No New Posts weyrling barracks;

Until weyrling dragons are nine months old Weyrlings live here with their young dragons. They are located on the same level as the hatching ground and fairly close to it as well to accommodate freshly hatched dragons. The lecture room is located here as well as a feeding room.

3 18 Reaching for a Torch Pass (M'ta)
by Aftershock
Nov 11, 2013 0:31:03 GMT -5
No New Posts main hall;

The main hall is the very heart of the weyr located on the ground floor ring. Located here are the kitchens and dining hall, the weyrfolk apartments and the creche, and various store rooms.

Subforums: kitchens, dining hall, weyrfolk apartments, creche

Sub-boards: kitchens;, dining hall;, weyrfolk apartments;, creche;

1 5 Out and About {OPEN}
by Chey
Dec 10, 2013 1:50:11 GMT -5
No New Posts library;

A massive library that has been collecting endless knowledge for turns. An archivist's dream and a candidate or weyrling's worst nightmare. Endless knowledge can be found in its multitudes of shelves.

(Currently restricted and closed off to all but the Weyrleader and Weyrwoman after the creature attack. Please get permission from an ADMIN before rping here.)

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No New Posts infirmary;

The infirmary located on the third ring is under control of the Weyrhealer and Weyrdragonhealer. Sick and injured dragons have plenty of space to convalesce and every person gets their own private room unless the infirmary is super busy. Interns from Healer Hall come to the weyr so there is no shortage of Healers.

1 1 Selenitas Infirmary Information
by Tashe
May 14, 2012 17:01:12 GMT -5
No New Posts rider weyrs;

The rider weyrs dominate the upper rings of the weyr for the most part. They are large dwellings for the dragonriders of Pern and each features a weyrledge that could comfortably house two average sized bronzes at the same time. These ledges look over the weyrbowl and the lake there but generally don't get enough sun to be good for sunning.

5 16 Among the masses (M'ta)
by Requiem
Nov 21, 2013 0:23:26 GMT -5
No New Posts wherhandler apartments;

The wherhandler apartments are buried deep in the weyr on the ground level ring, an off shoot of the weyrfolk apartments. Going to the wherhandlers' domain is like descending into a deep, dark pit. What few glows line the halls are kept at their dimmest setting for sensitive wher eyes. The apartments themselves are very nearly lightless as well. It is highly suggested to have a wherhandler escort or else you may be lost in a maze of darkness.

7 22 I Guess I Should Socialize {OPEN}
by Chey
Dec 13, 2013 20:02:46 GMT -5
No New Posts weyrbowl;

In the center of the mountain weyr lies the weyrbowl. It is here that caravans and the like will drop off their goods. In the center of the bowl itself lies a large cavern lake, fed by one large and numerous small spring fed waterfalls. This lake may not have fish but it is certainly alive with small organisms. The lake is kept cool by the nature of the weyr's design.

2 12 when we fall (camille)
by Zephyr
Nov 21, 2013 3:17:30 GMT -5

<< Outside Selenitas Weyr >>

Board Threads Posts Last Post
No New Posts the skies;

The sky stretches far above Selenitas Weyr, but is never still for long, for Drills, Flights, and mere pleasure flights will all be found here.

Subforums: flights and runs

Sub-board: flights and runs;

1 19 T'ri-Minus - See Me After Class (T'ri)
by Aftershock
Jan 7, 2014 15:23:58 GMT -5
No New Posts feeding grounds;

A huge fenced-in area, the Feeding Grounds homes Selenitas's stock of herdbeasts, for the hunting needs of your dragon or wher.

3 69 Evening Stroll... (Open)
by Ivy
Jan 7, 2014 14:16:20 GMT -5
No New Posts watchheights;

Situated on craggy outcroppings, located on the side of the very mountain the weyr resides in, this is where the watch dragons carry out their job.

1 5 Sitting, Waiting, Wishing [Liv]
by Ruby
Dec 10, 2013 2:20:16 GMT -5
No New Posts burimyu river;

Retaining the name the exiles gave to the weyr when first discovered, this mountain spring fed river runs from the high mountains to Blossom Lake.

0 0 No posts have been made on this board.
No New Posts the stables;

While runners are not common at the Weyr, the few that live here can be found in the Stables. Many are privately owned; others can be ridden by any and all.

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<< Surrounding Selenitas >>

Board Threads Posts Last Post
No New Posts the jungle;

Surrounding most of Selenitas is a thick, lush jungle. The perfect example of a tropical rainforest, it's humid, warm, and dense...and has, on occasion, been popular among the wild felines.

Subforums: gemstone mine

Sub-board: the gemstone mines;

2 3 Kidnapping? (Yoalla)
by Requiem
Dec 29, 2013 18:52:14 GMT -5
No New Posts hot springs;

High in the mountains are a group of natural hot springs that feed hot water to the weyr below them. A popular spot for relaxation, though you'll certainly need a dragon to reach them.

0 0 No posts have been made on this board.
No New Posts the mountains;

Beyond the rainforest on Selenitas's eastern side lies a fairly impressive mountain range, green on the near side and mostly barren cliffs on the far side.

1 6 hey child, stay wilder than the wind (Zeppy)
by Zephyr
Nov 25, 2013 4:06:52 GMT -5
No New Posts the desert;

Sprawling on the far side of the mountains, the desert is blisteringly hot, the dust grayish and unpleasantly gritty, and the shelter all but nonexistant, far from the desert oasis of one's dreams.

0 0 No posts have been made on this board.

<< Inverness Weyr >>

Board Threads Posts Last Post
No New Posts hatching grounds;

Every candidate dreams of one day impressing on these sands. It is unwise to visit the place uninvited -even when empty, the hatching sands are well guarded by those who consider it a sacred place.

0 0 No posts have been made on this board.
No New Posts candidate barracks;

When a prospective dragon rider is tithed to the Weyr, they take up residence in the Candidate barracks on the lower south side of the bowl. Here, they learn the basics of what is means to be a dragon rider while waiting for the clutch to hatch.

1 1 Candidate Barracks
by Ember
May 13, 2012 22:04:59 GMT -5
No New Posts weyrling barracks;

Situated low on the eastern side of the bowl is the Weyrling barracks. Until the day their dragons are fully grown, weyrlingriders live and attend classes here. The stairs are broad and the hallways spacious to ensure that dragons of all sizes can pass through them with ease.

2 3 Weyrling Roommate Assignments
by Ember
May 13, 2012 22:02:11 GMT -5
No New Posts the great hall;

The high stone walls of the great hall are massive and ornate. Used for both casual dining and celebrations, the few loyal drudges who work in the kitchens take pride in saying that come whatever hardships may, the dragonmen will always be able to rely on a good meal.

Subforums: kitchens, dining hall, weyrfolk apartments.

Sub-boards: kitchens;, dining hall;, weyrfolk apartments;

3 58 It's Always Tea Time (Cairenn)
by Aftershock
Jan 7, 2014 15:01:21 GMT -5
No New Posts the creche;

The holding pens for the new generation of Inverness. If you hazard to roam in these halls step softly and prepare to be randomly ambushed by the enthusiastic weyrbrats.

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No New Posts infirmary;

The infirmary located on the west side of the bowl is under control of the Weyrhealer and Weyrdragonhealer. Numerous interns from Healer Hall assist the two in their duties in mending the maladies of the weyr. Within are large spaces for dragons to convalesce as well as private and semi-private rooms for the humans. The infirmary is always well stocked in supplies and very organized.

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No New Posts records room;

Nowhere near as big as Selenitas' massive library Inverness regardless has a respectable one. Strict records of everything are kept and can be found here, along with books and ink, hide, and parchment. There is much knowledge to be found here if only one chooses to look.

0 0 No posts have been made on this board.
No New Posts rider weyrs;

This is where Inverness’s fully fledged riders and dragons reside. Accessible by weyrledge or staircase, stone couches, running water and private bathing rooms can be found in each weyr, along with any other furnishings it’s occupant may choose.

5 62 Down the Rabbit Hole (Ivy, Zep)
by Requiem
Nov 24, 2013 9:50:55 GMT -5
No New Posts weyrbowl;

In the very center of the hollowed out volcanic crater lies the weyrbowl. Near the center of the weyrbowl is a water-filled depression kept full by rain and melted snow. One would be tempted to call it a lake -and in fact many do- but neither fish nor plankton make their home in the mildly salty waters. Constantly warmed by the lava flowing deep beneath the weyrbowl’s surface, steam can often be seen rising from it when the weather turns bitter cold. This is a favourite bathing spot for many dragons and their riders.

3 46 Hidden Treasures // (Cairenn; Open)
by Aftershock
Nov 18, 2013 13:41:49 GMT -5

<< Outside Inverness >>

Board Threads Posts Last Post
No New Posts the skies;

The sky extends far above Inverness Weyr, but is never still for long, for drills, mating flights, and mere pleasure flights will all be found here. When the winter storms darken the skies above the weyr it is best to remain indoors. More then one rider pair has frozen to death by being caught in the harsh elements.

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No New Posts feeding pens;

For the most part, herdbeasts are kept in the valleys surrounding the weyr where they can graze and reproduce under the watchful eye of their crafters. However, a few herds can always be found milling about behind the wrought iron fences on the bowl’s south side.

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No New Posts the stables;

While runners are not common at the mountainous weyr, there are a few that live here and they can be found in the Stables. It is far more common for mules, donkeys and the like to reside here though as they do better at traversing the sheer sides of the surrounding mountains.

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No New Posts watch stones;

Surrounding the rim of the volcano are large towering rock monoliths. These are the watchstones. It is here that the the watch dragons carry out their job watching the skies for arrivals and announcing them to the proper authorities.

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<< Surrounding Inverness >>

Board Threads Posts Last Post
No New Posts the mountains;

A spine of tall, snowy mountains dominates the area around Inverness Weyr. The nights can be harsh and unforgiving, especially when the winter comes. Sheer drops, glacial rivers and predators pepper the slopes with danger, making it a beautiful but deadly addition to the northern landscape.

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No New Posts hot springs;

High in the mountains of Inverness you can find a group of natural hot springs that are kept warm by the lava flowing under the rock below them. Unlike the springs at Selenitas you do not need a dragon to reach them. In fact there are well worn trails up into the mountain where they lie. Be sure to bring warm clothes however. Even in the Northern summer it remains cold enough in the mountains for fresh snow to blanket the area around the springs at fairly regular intervals.

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No New Posts the valleys;

Speckled between the mountains surrounding Inverness weyr are deep and lush valleys. Most of these valleys have small mountain streams running through them and are covered with forests of thick pine trees. Be cautious in these wild places however. They can be as dangerous as any jungle in the right conditions and are near impassible in the dead of the harsh northern winter.

1 5 Wildflower... ((Ae'on))
by Ivy
Nov 24, 2013 22:54:16 GMT -5
No New Posts inverness river;

The swift moving river that cuts through the mountains on Inverness Weyr's east side provides the weyrfolk with a constant source of clean water. This is not the kind of river you would want to go swimming in however. Apart from the strong current and intermittent rapids, it is also icy cold.

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<< The Holds >>

Board Threads Posts Last Post
No New Posts selenitas hold;

Selenitas Hold is a pleasant Hold to live in, especially for visiting dragonriders. Despite the distance this Hold's special relationship with the Weyr hasn't changed much as they're still the most supportive Hold of the South.

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No New Posts blossom hold;

An exceptionally cheerful Hold, Blossom is the home of the Lake Dolphin Hall. And such a happy Hold has the Gathers that one would expect from it -- frequent, and extravagant.

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No New Posts hyphen hold;

Hyphen is a very solemn mining Hold. They are not particularly welcoming to dragonriders and don't host that many Gathers. When they do have Gathers, however, they are known for being some of the best Pern has to offer.

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No New Posts lighttower hold;

Lighttower Hold despises dragonriders. While they can no longer refuse entry to dragonriders the atmosphere is so antagonistic that they might as well.

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No New Posts benden hold;

A solemn hold in the frigid north, Benden is not the best ally to Inverness, but there is no denying that living conditions within the hold and the treatment of its people have improved since the new weyr was founded.

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No New Posts fort hold;

Exceptionally busy at all times there is constant action in this hold. One of the wealthiest of all holds it also houses two major craft halls. Both the Healer and Harper Halls reside within this massive hold. Gathers here are not all too common but when they are hosted they are spectacular enough to be talked about for years to come.

1 4 Mystery Meeting [Tashe]
by Tashe
Jan 4, 2014 3:52:39 GMT -5
No New Posts bitra hold;

Bitra Hold absolutely hates Inverness and only acknowledges the Weyr at all during times of threadfall. Inverness has been working tirelessly since it's founding to improve the hold and cleanse it. However it is a slow and agonizing process mired deep in political drama. As such most parts of Bitra still are destitute and terrible places to reside in.

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No New Posts ruatha hold;

Surprisingly Ruatha Hold is now becoming one of the most supportive northern holds when it comes to the new weyr. Likely because of the lush land and runners that need thread protection. The hold now holds rather frequent gathers for the north and seems to be growing at a decent rate.

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<< The Abandoned Weyrs >>

Board Threads Posts Last Post
No New Posts old selenitas ruins;

The ruins of Old Selenitas Weyr. Nature has begun to reclaim the landscape and canyon. Re-visit at your own risk.

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No New Posts benden weyr;

One of the oldest weyrs in the North. Currently abandoned after the Great Dragon War

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No New Posts fort weyr;

One of the oldest weyrs in the North. Currently abandoned after the Great Dragon War

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<< Out of Character >>

Board Threads Posts Last Post
No New Posts general chat;

For all OoC gossip and chatter that your heart could ever desire~

Subforums: member pages, absences

Sub-boards: member pages;, absences;

113 653 Update Happened........
by Ivy
Jul 5, 2015 16:21:34 GMT -5
No New Posts the roleplay classifieds;

Have a great idea for a thread, but need another person to make it work? Looking for somewhere to post? Promised someone a thread, and don't want to forget about it? Have an open thread, and want to make sure people see it? Toss a post up here, see who comes your way!

26 177 Puppies/Kittens!
by Chey
Nov 22, 2013 15:47:27 GMT -5
No New Posts contests;

Marks, Mystery Eggs, bragging rights -- they can all be earned here! Contests aplenty, stay tuned.

2 4 Contest 31 Map out our weyr!
by archenstone
Mar 22, 2012 1:36:24 GMT -5
No New Posts archives; - 1 Viewing

All previous threads, be it a Hatching or a plot or a simple conversation between friends, can be found here.

Subforums: hatchings, plots, flights and runs, drills, chores, and lessons, old announcements, inactive characters, deceased characters

Sub-boards: hatchings;, plots;, flights and runs;, drills, chores, and lessons;, announcements;, aftershock;, archenstone;, avu;, boober;, cailan;, chey;, ember;, hseru;, ivy;, jalynn6;, jing;, kat;, kisha;, kysseh;, ladybug;, lotty;, midnight;, missa;, musetta;, neeuqtar;, nick;, nightingale;, raii;, ravenmane;, rei;, requiem;, rii;, rowana;, ryanne;, ruby;, sammykins;, sebz;, sheari;, shiny;, summerrain;, symphony;, tashe;, tarra;, teddy;, whiteangel28;, zephyr;, ghosts;, inactive characters;, deceased characters;

2,667 29,770 Incoming! ~Tag Cainith
by Aftershock
May 6, 2013 20:53:36 GMT -5
No New Posts advertising and affiliates;

This should be the only place that other boards are being advertised. Guest-friendly.

Subforums: first time, link back, pern sites

Sub-boards: first time;, link back;, pern sites;

340 476 True Path - an AU My Hero Academia roleplay
by epsi
Aug 25, 2018 5:47:34 GMT -5


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