Post by ravenmane on Dec 14, 2007 19:10:19 GMT -5
Skyler raced towards the Hatching Sands, cursing his stupidity. The boy had been reading in the Records Room, enjoying the silence around him. When Aslath trumpeted, he had dismissed the noise as a candidate coming to close to her eggs. Minutes later, a young drudge came running into the Records Room to find something and was shocked to see Skyler. That was when the boy was told that he was missing the Hatching of Aslath's first clutch. Sky paused at the entrance, fearful that he would not be allowed on the Sands. His eyes moved from person to person, quickly taking notes. Many candidates seem to already be on the Sands which did not surprise the boy.
When the Topaz egg Hatched, Sky realized he had to get on the Sands now. Unsteadily, the boy raced to the entrance that led onto the Hatching Grounds. His hazel eyes glanced at the beautiful bronze dragonet, positive the creature was not for him. As Sky stepped onto the very hot sand, he looked around for an open space near the eggs. Even though he wished to Impress, the boy was nervous around crowds. Standing near the sidelines, Skyler prepared to see the Hatching.
P'nor meandered toward the Hatching, clearly taking his time. The Hatchings always occurred and brought even more dragons into the world. The the dark haired man's shoulder sat a small and very dark blue fire-lizard. The little creature sat upon his owner's shoulder like a King, occasionally chirping little commands in the Bronzerider's ear. Eager to see what everyone was excited about, little Athol was starting to become very annoyed with P'nor. Why wouldn't the big man move faster. He knew that the Blue was still working on flying around. Finally finished with waiting, the Blue creature bit P'nor's ear. "ATHOL!!" P'nor raised a hand to grab the little creature only to find the flitter had leaped from his shoulder.
Instead of chasing his Blue, the Bronzerider walked towards the Hatching, his pace much faster this time. "Athol, you need to work on your communication." An answering chirp sounded above the man as little Athol landed on his perch. A sigh escaped the rider as he entered the Stands in th Hatching Grounds. He needs lessons in manners, P'nor. You will lose your ear if he doesn't. Stay out of it, Cyanth. I still think you should train him.
Post by glamourie on Dec 14, 2007 19:23:48 GMT -5
"Shush, don't be frightened," Keliris whispered as he led Rawign across the Sands. Beka caught his eye, and he started toward her, though he kept his promise to the bronze flitter: he wouldn't leave Rawign alone for very long, if at all. He was pleased to see her there, though he hadn't noticed the girl on her arrival. He couldn't help but want to stand near her, though. While he was positive that no dragons would try to hurt Beka (they were more likely to tear into him), he wanted to be able to act as buffer if they did, and also be there for Beka to blame if she did not Impress. The redhead would never admit it, but he wanted Beka there because he was sure that she would Impress... and if he was wrong, at least she knew she came because he forced her, not necessarily of her own free will, so she wouldn't have to feel guilty or bad. He'd much rather have her think less of him, or hold him responsible. Not often was Keliris anything that could be called selfless, but after their encounter in the jungle, Keliris thought if anyone would do well to have someone to lean on, someone to share their life with for all time, it would be Beka. He wouldn't ever tell her though.
Then there was Rawign. The Healer looked positively ashen, though his face was blank. Keliris knew him well enough to know, though, that the way his eyes lingered primarily on Aslath was a sign that something was majorly wrong. How did he expect to Impress when he was terrified? Though, he suspected it wasn't the dragonets that frightened Rawign, but their dame. Not that it changed anything. Aslath wasn't going anywhere. Rawign was more likely to leave than her. Keliris glanced at the Healer, then sighed, steadily edging his way over to Beka. Once he reached her, Keliris actually pulled the sleeve of his robe up, and removed the little toy he made for Anai. It was brightly colored, with several uneven strips along the sides to 'weigh it down' so that when it was thrown in the air, it would resemble a parachute. He handed it over to Beka before turning his full attention to Aslath and her magnificent clutch, though not before giving Anai an affectionate scratch.
"Present for you, beautiful. Don't tell Maris that you got it from me," he said quietly, though his next words were for Beka and Rawign. "Rawign, that's Beka. Beka, this is Rawign -- he's got three flits. I promised his bronze I'd Healer-sit." Another pause was offered, before he half-glanced at her. "I'm glad you came... but you probably should have asked--"
But before he could say anything else, the Silver Egg and the Topaz Egg drew his attention. His eyes flicked rapidly back and forth between each egg, as though they were the most interesting thing in the world, although when the Topaz Egg split, he focused completely on it instead of its clutchsibling. His main attention, though, kept flicking back to the Tourmaline Egg, his favourite of the clutch. But a bronze hatchling spilled forth, and it was hard for him not to focus on the young creature...
* * *
Silently, Rawign followed Keliris across the Sands, his eyes darting from the eggs and back to Aslath, a repeated motion that made it harder and harder for him to focus on keeping his facial features calm. The eggs didn't scare him. Hatchlings didn't scare him. Even the idea of being mauled didn't frighten him anymore. Felines had done a very good job of breaking him of that fear. But the queen did, though not for the reasons most might have expected. He was more worried about offending her than anything else. He'd upset her at the Touching by just being there; he was actually amazed she hadn't thrown him off the Sands for coming back, and he really could have beaten Keliris for not letting him stay on the very far edge, well away from the eggs and the queen. Did he have to be closer? Really, truly? Would it make all that much of a difference? From experience with firelizards, they always found who they wanted.. although, the idea of putting a dragon through having to walk so far to get to him bothered him. A little. And he was still near the back, so...
... huh? He was being introduced to someone. Rawign blinked and looked up before managing an amiable smile. She was one of the people who Impressed from the clutch he and Marra found. And her green was still there. Well, why couldn't Li have stayed then? Never mind that he didn't want to risk offending the queen. It might have been reassuring to have the little bronze's weight on his shoulder. His smile widened, though, at the sight of the little green. She reminded him a little of Roxie.
"Hello. It's nice to meet you." His eyes flicked to the flitter. "I remember your egg."
Losing interest in the two, his gaze was drawn back to the clutch. The Silver Egg and Topaz Egg were obviously close to hatching, but his gaze kept darting back up to the dragon herself. His stomach was a mottled mess, both from nervousness and intimidation, though the odds of him being singled out by, well, any dragon had diminished greatly. And something else caught his interest -- a head of dark hair attached to a shorter girl with a tan not unlike his own, who happened to have facial features rather similar to his. The surprise that Rawign wore was evident and he actually stepped forward before remembering that the Senior Queen would be closer that way. But... was it.. could it be...?
It was! He knew that face. She looked too similar for it to be anyone but. "Religna?" Ignoring Keliris's inquisitive look, Rawign actually took a step forward before nudging his sister in the shoulder, though at that exact moment a bronze dragonet hatched and his attention was completely taken away from the girl. He'd talk to her after the hatching, but what in the world was she doing there and -- and it was an overgrown Li, or so it looked. How cute.
* * *
Near the middle of the group, Kaliran rocked on his heels. The eggs were the most fascinating thing in the world to him, as they should have been, though he had trouble not glancing back toward Keliris. Despite how often he and his brother bickered (and shards, did they bicker), Keliris was Kaliran's single best friend... and he was mildly perturbed that his brother was lurking in the back instead of being near him, near the middle, where he would be more likely to be noticed by the dragonets. Keliris always did that, though. At flitter hatchings, too. He lurked in the back and then, he pretended he wasn't upset that he never Impressed. How could he expect to if he was in the back? Shaking his head, Kaliran frowned. He liked Rawign, but he wanted Lir to Impress more than he did the Healer. It wasn't like Rawign would be missing much. He had a menagerie of flitters. (Never mind that Kaliran had only one less than Rawign...)
Well, if they were going to lurk, he'd stand near Cezine. That thought firmly planted in his mind, Kaliran edged through the crowd until he found the older girl and then promptly leaned against her before indicating the Silver Egg and the Topaz Egg, both with a casual nod.
"Those two will hatch first, I bet."
Thank you, captain obvious. Kaliran didn't mind the fact that he was telling Cezine something she knew, though. The words were not meant for the darker haired woman at all. In fact, he'd said it more for himself, and to notify Cezine that he was there, lurking, near her. Sort of his way of saying "Notice me! I'm here! Look, aren't I wonderful?" without coming right out and saying it. But before she had a chance to reply (if she would have at all), the Topaz Egg split to reveal an absolutely gorgeous bronze, and he brought one hand to his mouth in wonder. He hadn't expected the eggs to be anything less than amazing, but a bronze on the first hatching was an extremely good omen. Considering that and the size of the clutch, he was sure they could expect quite an amazing group of dragonets. But should they have expected anything less from Aslath and Salenth? -- Of course no
Post by lennae on Dec 14, 2007 20:41:53 GMT -5
She hadn’t meant to be late. In fact, having heard the rumors that the clutch might possibly be hatching today, she had been completely prepared to run down to the boats and get herself to the hatching at any possible moment. Unfortunately, things rarely went as planned when it came to Lennae.
While she herself had been completely ready, upon hanging up her robes for easy access, she had discovered a rather large tear in the fabric. While some others might have left it alone, she had been compelled to search for some yarn and a needle. Not only did she need yarn, but she needed it white in order to match the color of the robe so that it would not be glaringly obvious when she walked out in front of hundreds of people as well as the queen dragon that she had had a rent in her robes. That simply would not do.
Of course, why she cared was a matter of some discussion. She wasn’t particularly sure if her being near so many dragons at one time was a good thing at all. They would certainly be able to read her mind and see her transgressions clear as day. It would simply be a matter of time until their riders were told, and then she, Lennae, would be thrown out to fend her herself against the perils of the jungle.
She was so enthralled with her train of thought and the rhythmic movements of her mending, that she missed the call completely. It wasn’t until the last female candidate to leave looked into Lennae’s room and saw that she was still there, that Lennae realized she was late.
Now Lennae entered the hatching sands, still dripping from her wading across the river to reach her destination. By the time she had arrived at the river’s edge, all the boats had already been taken, leaving her to her own devices. In her attempts at making herself presentable, she had doomed herself to entering a sodden mess.
She quietly joined the ranks of the others, keeping her head low, hoping no one would note who the wet and late candidate was. Watching from the corners of her eye, she noted that a bronze had hatched, though had not yet chosen who would be his. Another one, the silver, looked quite near to hatching as well She managed to hide a breath of relief. At least she hadn’t missed too much. It was impossible for a girl to impress a bronze and since the remainder of the eggs were intact, she had nothing to worry about.
Slowly, Lennae allowed herself to relax. It seemed that her late entrance and rather odd appearance had been overlooked for now.
Post by sparrow on Dec 14, 2007 21:04:36 GMT -5
All the songs had prepared Lumari for this moment, and this moment wasn't even hers. She had considered several idle dreams about dragonriding in her childhood. But she was beyond that now, and now was when it came: the sound of dragons humming, drowning everything else in the Weyr with their throaty voices.
Evening dark cloaked the Weyr. The Journeywoman reached absently for the candle as she rose to her feet from the cot. Shadows haunted the walls as she stole past, devastating as light as they traced and snarled on the faces of the few patients who had been kept overnight for observation. Despite the resounding echoes of dragons, only a few stirred; here in the Infirmary, she thought, with a cool distant kind of processing, it was as if the Hatching hardly existed at all. She wasn't a Candidate; she was nearly too old to be one. She didn't have to go.
But she was intrinsically curious about what she had not encountered, and always had been. How could she resist the opportunity? Not to speak of the fact that everyone who could injure themselves would be at the Hatching. Everyone who could not injure themselves would also be at the Hatching. Therefore, it made no sense for one girl lurking on the edges of her twenties to loiter at the back of the Weyr in the hopes that someone would nearly-fatally injure themselves while a draconic mass initiation (that was how she envisioned it, anyway; they wore little robes and everything!) took place at the other end of the Weyr. All the danger, all the excitement, would be in the Hatching Grounds -- where the dragonets were. She could not be faulted; Candidates had been harmed at Hatchings before, raked by dragons stepping across them and over them in their desperate hurry to make it to the Candidates they desired. They needed Healers at the Hatchings. It made /sense/.
Her smile brightened to a wicked edge; the flame she clutched in her hand glinted from the sudden change in her eyes. She began to walk faster, down to where the boat was still tied at the edge of the water and waiting for her. Stepping in quite carefully, considering she was doing the whole of this on the vaguest of whims, Lumari leaned down and blew out the candle, which she left on the shore for someone else's convenience. Then, pushing off, she let the currents carry her down. The roaring pulse of the dragons sang over the water, and she was immersed in them, rocked by them, so familiar and close that it felt as if she were in the Sands already.
It had been a while since she had felt so excited, especially about something at Selenitas.
It had also been something of an overestimation, she realised, descending into the Caverns. Most of the seats closest to the sands were taken, but Lumari didn't mind; the less sand she got kicked into her hair (and her braids), the better. Even sitting at the top of the stands - the best view of those who were injured (blood was surprisingly brilliant as a carrying color), the eggs like jeweled blots against the dunes - the evening heat was nearly unbearable. It washed over her like a scorching breath, radiating up through the stones, which felt oddly warm as she leaned into the wall. Or perhaps she had only been cooled by the fast trip down. Whichever it was, she was sweating by the time the Candidates were ushered onto the sands, clumping about the eggs with looks every bit as anxious as the gold who had dammed the clutch.
Still, there was something odd and beautiful about the situation, something she could not grasp but she felt a vague stirring for - a sense that this might have been something worth giving up all those surgeries for, if only it had come early enough... After a moment, she shook it away as impractical and impossible. Nothing could ever be a surer prospect than the HealerCraft. What could a dragon offer anyone that a paid profession could not?
She grinned and leaned down in determined curiosity as the bronze hatched, however, craning her neck until the person before her gave her the filthy look of someone who had a bubble of personal space and did not appreciate random girls invading it. Unashamed, Lumari nevertheless retreated. It was strange, though, to look at that dragonet. He looked rather more knobbly than she expected dragons to be, nearly graceless with desperation.
Crossing her legs, Lumari settled in to wait for someone to injure themselves with the air of a smirking vulture.
Shiny Hoarder
Weyrwoman Kaegan Dragonhealer E'rro Rider K'thay Woodcrafter E'iah Healer Raylanne Healer Ithanna Harper Zemaren [color=0BDA5
"When the Butterfly emurges, does the caterpillar no longer exist?"
Posts: 1,401
Post by Tashe on Dec 14, 2007 21:42:32 GMT -5
The call came, and the next thing the female candidate knew she had been rolled out of bed while the clatter of dressing women picked up about her sleep driven body. Groaning slightly as she shifted her arm so that she could prop her body up slightly, Saraina mumbled something that sounded curiously like 'whats going on mother?'. Although her answer came hurdling at her with a force, for someone had thrown her white candidate robes at her viciously. Apparently the thrower didn't exactly have the time to dilly dally and help the raven headed girl anymore than she had already done.
Slowly sliding her robes off of her head, the enormity of the situation hit her like a clay brick. The Hatching was begining... "Oh shards! The hatching!" Jumping up with a sudden surge of Vigor, Saraina tore off her trousers and slung the long white robes over her body with a swift fluid motion. A sense of deja vu' swept through her frame as she quietly tied the laces of her sandals around her legs, it was very familiar, the only difference was that this time she had been dumped from her cot. Moving from her sandals to the ties on her robes, Sara hastily knotted the strings while remaining surprisingly deft at it. Wrapping the belt around her waist and thinking about how ironic it was for her to be wearing white, the Senior candidate stormed out of the room and fled down the hallway, not sparing her friends a second glance. Slowing as she came up to the door and the tall man who stood near them, Sara nodded at F'rah before listening as to what he had to say. Picking her nerves up from the ground, the grey eyed candidate made her way onto the sands just as the first egg began to hatch. It was like the first hatching all over again, with a few subtle changes such as the new Weyrleader and his bronze and the new faces of candidates that stood with varying emotions on their faces. Grinning slightly, Sara bowed respectfully to the Queen and the Weyrleaders before striding over to the girl's side of the hatching grounds and taking up her place against the wall. Hopefully this time she'd impress and just maybe, make her guardian truly proud of her.
"Sara! Saraina! SARA GET UP!" Frustration overrode her ecstasy for a brief moment causing Gina to tip her friend out of her cot and deposit her on the floor. Growling as she flew to the public wardrobe and snatched her designated robe off of the hanger, the pitch headed candidate wrestled with her night shirt before ripping it off. Sighing angrily as Saraina mumbled something, the younger of the two women viciously tossed the other girl's robes at her head. Hopefully she'd get the message already that the hatching was starting, the mornings were not her strongest suit, especially after staying up late the last night.
Taking off her pants as her excitement returned, Gina slipped her white candidate attire over her shoulders and fumbled with the bow strings. Finally getting to her belt, the stern young woman squawked at her running friend to wait for her. Lacing up her shoes in record time, Gina fled her room and followed Saraina's path down the corridor with the same vivaciousness. Skidding to a halt in front of F'rah as her friend walked through the doors, the candidate impatiently listen to him talk before hurrying into the hatching grounds. Sweltering heat blasted her face and body as she entered, but in her elated state she took no mind of it and quickly, yet respectfully, bowed to Aslath and the Weyrleaders before scurrying her way over to the wall near her friend.
He had been one of the first ones at the hatching grounds as the call had sounded, and the Weyrlingmaster was not for being late for an important occasion such as this. Flying down the halls as if he were a dragon caught on an updraft, F'rah released a breath of relief as he arrived at the hatching ground doors that were for the candidates to use. Not long after, the first wave of said children rushed down the lengthy hall and skidded to a halt in front of him as he told them a fast over view of what they were supposed to do when and if they Impressed. Releasing the eager faces with a wave of his hand, F'rah opened the door for the Candidates, allowing them entrance into the grounds. Repeating the process for each new face that he encountered, the Weyrlingmaster grinned as he watched his soon to be student pass through the open door. Hopefully, if all went well, he'd have a good twenty or more new children to train. Sending all of his well wishes to Aslath and her clutch, the Weyrlingmaster looked down to see Saraina. "Go on Sara you know what to do, since you've heard it all before." Opening the door with a smile, F'rah watched as his teenage charge darted through the door with a sense of happiness that he had only ever seen a few times. Letting the door shut and waiting for a few minutes in silent contemplation, the honey haired man nodded as Sara's friend came skidding to a complete stop before him. "Candidate Gina. If you Impress a hatchling tell me her or his name and yours before leading it off to the feeding station." Giving the giddy female a reassuring smile, F'rah opened the door and let his eyes follow her out into the sands. Chuckling as he remembered his Impression to Styth, the Weyrlingmaster awaited the next wave of candidates to arrive.
Post by kaedryn on Dec 14, 2007 23:20:46 GMT -5
Kaedryn was nearly bouncing in place when she had noticed the violently rocking Topaz Egg suddenly split open to reveal a powerful young bronze. She watched him closely for a minute, looking over the boys in wonder of who he was going to chose, but all the while keeping an eye out to the other unhatched eggs. She knew that no bronze would choose a girl and as such, he did not catch her attention as closely. But she did know that a bronze hatching first was good luck and took it to heart that this weyrling group would be lucky in their future. Her hands twitched almost convusivly and she wished Belus was here so she could run her hands soothingly through his fur, a habit she had fallen into when he was first born that seemed to soothe them both... But for now she went back to dividing her attention between seeing who the newly hatched bronze would choose and the now wildly rocking Silver Egg.
Watching closely, Tokala waited with bated breath as the Topaz Egg split apart to reveal a gleaming bronze hatchling, all long limbs and gangly neck and tail. Crossing his fingers over one another, his amber, nearly gold eyes, were honed in on the bronze as the proud hatchling took his first steps outside his egg, then threw his head back and strode proudly, but rather quickly, over to the males... He rememberd the candidate's teacher telling them about how a hatchling would sometimes claw a candidate in the way and he was ready to move if needed, but inwardly he prayed that the proud little one would choose him...
Post by evendar on Dec 14, 2007 23:28:30 GMT -5
Narna didn't even know why she was here. She pulled her sleeves down further over her arms, even though the scars were almost gone. She glanced about for Mutasim, her eyes catching sight of N'vis and his green, now a much stronger and less sickly looking beast, though the green's eyes were still slightly sunken and her body rather gaunt, her body was filled out enough that her bones no longer showed when unless she stretched and the eyes glowed a happy green. She'd never be known for her stamina, but she would fly.
Narna didn't really care, she was broken. Some day she might heal, Faranth the other day she'd laughed. But that laughter had receded into the deepest recourses of her heart, locked away with a barrier of indifference. She'd skipped the Touching, not really caring. The very thought of Standing here, of Impressing to one of these dragons, had her terrified. If she Impressed a girl dragon and it rose, what if C'leon came back? What if that beast of a Morsrath Chased her? What if... it was the "what if's" that had cause Narna to retreat inside herself. She wouldn't break down again.
She cringed at the sound of shattering eggs and looked away. Why was she here? Why was she doing this to herself? There wasn't a dragon for her. And if there was she'd most likely get abused by some male. She didn't care what color dragon hatched from the Silver Egg, or if the Topaz Bronze Impressed. None of these dragons were for her, would ever be for her. She was alone, and was destined to stay that way.
She was half tempted to just leave the Grounds, there was nothing for her here. She wanted to leave, but couldn't make her feet lift themselves to go. She had to stand here, watching the rest of the Candidates Impress, probably Muta too. And there she'd be, standing alone again. She didn'te care anymore anyways. She glanced once more at her brother who gave her an encouraging thumbs up, Reenith bugling her support from the sidelines.
N'vis had come out of his shell so much since he Impressed, and she had let herself recede further into one. They had almost reversed themselves. Almost. N'vis would still rather have his sister take the lead, and Narna would still like to be leader, especially now. If she ever got together with a man again (and she had very few plans of doing that anytime soon) she'd be sure it was her leading, her making the decisions. Her in control.
She gave N'vis a weak, halfhearted smile and a wave in return, before turning to face the rocking eggs once more. Wait, she was in control. And a woman in control meant strength, and confidence. Buoyed by the thought of herself as she once was, confident and assured, she lifted her chin a touch, and looked out at the Clutch with newly felt strength. There was a dragon for her, there had to be. If not in this Clutch, than in the next one. And if she couldn't find her dragon here, she'd run away to the nNorth, and find her there. (for Narna refused to believe she might Impress blue, she may want to be in control during sex, but it didn't mean she wanted to be the top) And she'd fly in proud and strong back to Selenitas, defying C'leon and his Weyr and Shmee and hers a top her glittering dragons neck.
Emboldened by this thought, its mere presence a further indicator the girl was finally overcoming her trauma, Narna took a further step onto the Sands, watching the eggs hatch with renewed vigor.
Post by Administrator on Dec 14, 2007 23:57:32 GMT -5
Marra looked around wildly, trying to find Rawign. She sat in the topmost tier of seats, looking down into the sands below. Fortunately, being so far up made it so Desdemona could safely curl up in her lap, humming contentedly to the Hatching hum. Marra, unlike the little green, was on the alert. She needed to find Rawign, and keep her eyes on him. He needed to Impress. Of course, she would have regrets if he did- she hadn’t made love to him yet, and Impressing would mean they couldn’t till the dragon matured- but this would ultimately be the best for his future.
As her eyes scanned the crowd, a grumpy presence made himself known. Startled, Marra looked over at Li, frowning. “Shut up, will you?” she told him irritably. Mona, however, looked up. Crooning shyly at him, she beckoned him into Marra’s lap to join her. She could make sure he wasn’t lonely. They could sleep together, and be warm, and not have to worry about the scary, bigger cousins.
Finally finding Rawign, she smiled a little. Since inviting him, he had been staying in her apartment since he had been attacked. They had been sleeping together in her bed, being generally content. But now… he didn’t look well. Concerned, Marra sat forward in her seat, looking down at him. Just what was going on with him? Was she going to have to march down there and shake some sense into him?
As the Topaz Bronze was eyeing the boys, the Silver Egg finally gave a soft quiver. At once, the egg collapsed onto itself, the shell denting into useless pieces onto the sands. The crumpling shell moved in, then abruptly was shot out, sending the pieces flying. A long, blue limb forced its way through the opening, desperately trying to come out to catch up to his bronze brother.
Leaning on the inside of the shell, the Silver Egg fell down, the egg finally shattering completely. The blue dragon inside lifted himself slowly, looking around with a croon, which turned into a creel. His stomach was so empty!
The Topaz Bronze, taking note of the competition, growled a little. No, he needed to be first. Mine! he creeled out to one boy in the crowd, darting forward amidst a gaggle of eager young boys who dreamed of riding bronze. However, only one boy would fulfill the dream all the young boys of Pern wanted so desperately. Accidentally bumping into Leyan, he lashed the boy away with his tail impatiently. Approaching Kaliran, he paused. As if waiting for a reaction, the bronze stared at the boy.
At last, he offered up a croon. K’ran! Please, please just feed me,[/color] he informed the boy pitifully, nudging him. Your Elazrith is positively -starving-![/color]
More eggs were started to gain intensity in their rocking, among them the Peacock Ore Egg and the Diamond Egg. The former was already gaining one long split down the center, while the latter had the faintest cracks in its shell. One thing, however, remained true in both: From the way the cracks increased, it was clear that they would be the next to hatch.
Post by melody on Dec 15, 2007 0:17:19 GMT -5
The bronze was heading in his general direction... Could it be? He clenched his fists as he waited. The dragonet bumped into him and he sprang to the side but not quickly enough to avoid a lash of the tail that struck him across the leg. Wincing, he rubbed at the spot. The physical sting soon faded but not the emotional one.
It wasn't him the bronze had chosen. His shoulders slumped and for perhaps the first time the smile faded completely. Well, there were still lots of other eggs left. And lots of Hatchings if he didn't Impress at this one. Leyan sighed wistfully, wishing it had been him. What male candidate didn't?
Almost defiantly he tilted his chin up. That had been only the first Hatchling, so what if it hadn't chosen him? His eyes gleamed and the corners of his mouth turned up as he nodded his congratulations to K'ran before turning his attention back to the eggs. Maybe one of them held his lifemate.
Halyn watched the bronze, her eyes widening slightly. It was moving in her brother's general direction. Her hands gripped the folds of her robe tightly when she saw the bronze's tail lashed him. Through the cloth of his trousers, that wouldn't have hurt too badly but it had to sting. Her heart sank for him. This was his dream after all and even though he had Turns of Hatchings left before him, it wouldn't be pleasant for him to be left behind.
She sighed. Oh, the Silver Egg had Hatched! It was a blue. Aw! Halyn smiled but her attention was soon claimed by the Peacock Ore Egg and the Diamond Egg, both of which were cracking. They would be next, then. There was so much to see, she didn't know where to direct her gaze. So she had to divide her attention between the blue Hatchling and the cracking eggs.
Halyn didn't want to miss a moment of this. The heat of the sands, the rocking eggs, the humming of the dragons, it all made for an unforgettable experience. It would be worth leaving everything she knew just to have been able to be a part of this. And there was always next time.
Post by missa on Dec 15, 2007 0:18:15 GMT -5
Anai had been trying to hide in Beka's hair, avoiding Aslath as best she could, not that the Green would move if Aslath showed any distaste to her. Looking up she saw Keliris, which got a happy trill from her. She got up to stand on Beka's shoulder, looking much like a canine awaiting a treat as he approached. A present? For her! Cheeping her thanks, Anai instantly began chewing on it, settling around Beka's neck comfortably.
Beka had looked up when he'd approached, her attention taken from the Hatchling by looking up at Keliris, and his... Friend. Eyes instantly narrowed and Beka moved sightly away from the both of them, leveling a glare at Keliris. "She bit me. The bully of a flitt bit me to follow your orders. Asked what? To bring her? She stays, if I get kicked off, at least Anai is with me." It was obvious she wasn't really that annoyed though, for a smile twitched her lips as she looked back a Rawign. "Hi. Pleasure's mine, I think."
The Bronze seemed to have chosen, and Beka turned her head to see which boy it was, blinking in confusion. "Lir, isn't that your brother? He just Impressed a Bronze, isn't that great?" She was actually asking, concern for him lighting her voice. It was his brother yes, how would Keliris feel?
Religna paid little attention the conversation going on near her, instead focusin her eyes on the shaking Silver Egg. When she heard her name, the speed at which she turned would have made anyone feel dizzy. Eyes blinked in confusion for a moment, "Yes?" She mumbled, before frowning and turning back to the Sands. Only to be nudged a moment later, sighing softly she raised her gaze. "What do-?" The rest was cut off in a gasp as Religna met Rawign's gaze, her brother. Surely. "Rawign?" Blinking for a long moment she then frowned, placing her hands on her hips. "What are you doing on the girl's side?"
Oh of course she recovered quickly, now was not the time to loose control to hug him and ask him why he'd left her. No, there was time for that rampage later, right now she was more curious about why he was standing with the girls. And of course, during this whirl of thoughts mostly centered around 'it's him!', she missed the Impression of the Bronze, and the Hatching of the Blue. Oh shard it all. Well, she wouldn't miss one more moment of it, the Peacock Ore Egg looked ready to hatch...
Perhaps it would have been safer to gag Rielana before the Hatching, for when the Bronze Impressed, she cheered... Loudly. Clapping before gasping as the blue Hatched. Oh he was gorgeous, just look at him! Oh he was lovely, pretty, oh so special! It probably wouldn't surprise anyone if the girl squealed again, or started cooing at the dragonets, as though encouraging them. Rielana could be a very odd little person some times. Hm.
Oh look! More were Hatching! More! Wait, wait... There it was! A crack! It was a crack! Rielana would bet that one to be a green, or maybe... ONe of the friednly ones, where was the Garnet Egg, had that one started cracking yet?
Post by caffelatte on Dec 15, 2007 0:27:43 GMT -5
Taking a place towards the middle and off to the side of the other boys, Mavorn watched as the eggs wobbled in their places. This was a good evening for it, he mused to himself, as he watched the egg-race with keen fascination. No songs or stories could really prepare you for something like this and no amount of teaching would accurately describe the warm wonderment of the moment, whispering through the air. In that one instant, everyone there was gathered for the sole purpose of greeting these new lives, welcoming them into the world. Knowing that was one thing, but to feel that thread of community pulling through each and every living thing inside the weyr, connecting the dots, beginning and ending always with these magnificent dragons, all joined in one great loop of dedication... How could anyone have put such a thing to words? How could anyone have done it justice?
More cracks, more wobbling. Who would hatch first? The Topaz Egg or the Silver Egg? Only time would tell and given the amount of shell that was being cracked all around, they wouldn’t have long to wait. There were murmurs of conversation in the suspense of the event. Most talk was too soft for him to make much sense of, though. Then, it seemed for a time that all of Pern held its breath, as the first egg to hatch was ... the Topaz Egg. Had Mavorn been betting any marks on which would have hatched first, he’d have lost his meager earnings for certain. Maybe it was a good thing that the weaver wasn’t much one for betting. Yes. Definitely a good thing.
So it was that the bronze dragonet destroyed the rest of his shell and shoved his way through what remained. Nothing was holding that one back, that was for sure! If that cry of his was any indication, he was a hungry one, too. And excited! Look at him go! The very corners of his mouth lifted in a tiny smile, though he instinctively tilted his head forward so that his long, loose waves disguised the slight show of emotion playing across his face. The bronze was just lovely, tottering around, his hide still slick and gleaming from his recent emergence. He wasted no time at all heading to the boys, studying those gathered with his amazing dragon eyes.
Who would he choose? A quick glance around proved to him that almost everyone was focused upon that very first hatchling. All eyes were watching, waiting. The air was almost too dense to breathe, the suspense was so thick. And what of the other eggs? He spared a glance for them, as well, but he didn’t care to let his gaze linger anywhere but on the dragonet for too terribly long. If he was in that bronze’s way, he wanted to be sure he could see it in enough time to give him his space...
Then, the Silver Egg began ... doing something ... Mavorn couldn’t quite figure out what, though, until it fell over and out popped a blue dragonet. Not to be outdone, the Topaz Bronze went rushing into the throng of boys. Didn’t they know to back away? Or maybe they were just lost in the moment and couldn't react fast enough? Certainly understandable. The little bronze was definitely a gorgeous one. More movement caught his eye and Mavorn’s attention was back to the newly hatched blue and the wobbly eggs within the clutch. So much was starting to happen that it was hard to know where to look!
Post by boober on Dec 15, 2007 0:35:15 GMT -5
Cezine had been busy watching as the eggs hatched, admiring the bronze who emerged first. She was distracted, however, by the sudden sensation of someone's weight against her. She recognized Kaliran's voice before she saw him, and smiled before wrapping an arm around him and giving the briefest of squeezes as a greeting. She was fond of him, it was true, even though they didn't really spend a lot of time together. He was silly, but that just made her like him all the more. As far as verbal replies to his comment or his presence, however, there were none. Her eyes remained focused on the Topaz Bronze, watching him avidly. She couldn't help but be distracted though by the movements of the Silver Egg, which broke to reveal a lovely little blue. It was only then that Cezine dared a glance at Kaliran, then toward the back where she'd seen Keliris and Rawign. How did they expect to Impress anything back there?
She opened her mouth to comment as she turned around again, but whatever she was about to say died on her tongue. The Topaz Bronze was approaching, and his eyes looked to be on Kaliran. Stepping away, Cezine made a little more space between them, keeping an eye on the hatchling lest he decide that she was too close. But there was a faint smile on her face as her true suspicions were confirmed. Congratulations were murmured to the younger boy in her typical quiet voice, though it was doubtful he heard. She was glad for him, and such a beautiful little bronze! The first one of the clutch, too. But there was something that weighed on her mind, something that she couldn't quite shake off.
The young woman turned to look back toward Rawign and Keliris again, but they'd become obscured by the people between her and them. Wrinkling her nose somewhat, she turned back to face the front again, wrapping her arms around her waist. She looked as if she were cold, but how anyone could be on the Sands was a mystery. The truth was, she was just worried. But it would be nearly impossible to guess such a thing by looking at her. Cezine was as calm and serene on the outside as ever, though she was clearly vigilant; she didn't want to be caught off-guard by another hatchling. She also kept her ears open, practically straining to hear if anything came up from behind her. But since it was the beginning of the Hatching and only two dragonets had emerged thus far, her task of keeping tabs on the dragonets was easy. For now.
Post by glamourie on Dec 15, 2007 1:02:23 GMT -5
A bronze and a blue. Already. How exciting! Kaliran bounced twice in his spot, trying to keep his patience in check. He probably looked silly, lurking in a group of girls, but Cezine was his friend and he wanted to spend the Hatching with someone he liked. Besides, Lir was on the girl's side too, off talking to that Beka girl he seemed fond of. Let people think what he wanted. He would stand around with whoever he felt like, and -- ohhhh, the bronze was moving again.
Anything that Cezine might have wanted to say to him was promptly, and completely ignored, due to the bronze hatchling coming toward him. He briefly acknowledged that the dragonet had hit someone in the legs with his tail, but Kaliran was oblivious. He was oblivious to everything around him except the dark bronze form that stopped in front of him. His head tilted to the side just slightly, before a wave of indescribable hunger engulfed him. The fact that he was near Cezine at all was washed away in the sound of the young dragon's voice in his mind and the presence of the other candidates went completely ignored. Nothing else mattered at that moment except that he get food for Elazrith right then; he was positively starving! Where was the meat?
"Don't worry," the redheaded boy whispered as he crouched down to wrap his arms affectionately around the dragonet. "We'll get you food right now - where're the bowls? Umm, bowls... feeding station, right..." Searching around, K'ran's gaze snagged on the Weyrlingmaster and then he looked down at Elazrith again. He was wonderful! Just wonderful and so hungry - oh, he needed to get faster! K'ran took to leading the hatchling away toward the Weyrlingmaster near the entrance to the Sands, not even noticing the other two eggs hatching or if the blue that had hatched right after Elazrith did had found anyone yet. The other dragonets were of much less interest to him, though it occurred to him that he probably should mention to someone what the little one was called. His eyes flicked over to Cezine, and then he shook his head. She seemed distracted and truthfully so was he, so much so that if she'd spoken, he missed it completely.
I'm very hungry, mine.
"I know. I'm sorry, we'll go right to the feeding tables right after we tell the Weyrlingmaster your name, okay?" Why he was whispering, he didn't know, but he continued doing so as he found his way over to F'rah. Bowing his head slightly, he awkwardly glanced around. No one to follow the example of. Eek. "Umm, I'm Kali -- er, K'ran. And this is Elazrith, sir." He nodded slightly, and Elazrith looked up at the brownrider before crooning softly, but neither of them lingered. Over to the feeding tables they went, and upon arrival, the entire Hatching went ignored while K'ran took to feeding Elazrith. His excitement showed on his face and in his demeanor, though, for K'ran actually had to force himself to keep from bouncing his delight. Elazrith, too, was excited, though his reaction was to the meat.. and spill-over from his lifemate's delight.
* * *
"It is," Keliris said softly, and his voice for all the world sounded happy. Part of him was happy, too. Most of him was. The bronze that ambled over to Kaliran - K'ran, from then on, he supposed - was an absolutely handsome beast, and he couldn't think of anything better for his brother. Some part of him was a little upset, but he pushed that thought away in favor of trying to think better for K'ran. He should have been completely delighted, but the selfish, jealous little voice in his mind wouldn't let go that once again, his brother got something first. But... at least K'ran wouldn't be alone ever again. A bronze dragon could protect him away better than Keliris ever could have, and he knew that. That thought brightened him a little, and his gaze followed K'ran rather than lingering on the moving eggs or the hatchling that remained on the Sands. "Great doesn't begin to describe it..."
Trailing off, he turned back to Beka and quirked an eyebrow, trying to remember what she'd said. Oh, right. Biting. "If she hadn't bit you, would you come?" He shook his head, then thumbed in the direction K'ran went. "I have to have someone to brag to. My baby brother just Impressed the first bronze to hatch. You get to be my --- I lost Rawign. Where did he go? Did you see? I was distracted."
* * *
Lost Rawign, indeed. The dark-haired boy watched the blue dragon hatch with a slight smile, and his gaze snagged on the metallic hide of the bronze as he moved off toward the other candidates. And when he approached Kaliran, a surge of pride filled him, and he actually grinned, though someone cheering loudly prevented him from trying. Only after K'ran led the dragonet off the Sands did he turn back to Religna, the shock of her being there plainly written on his face. He missed the other eggs moving, his gaze settled on his sister in nothing short of amazement. It really was her, not just a lookalike. How in the world did she - what was she doing there? His mouth fell open and he gaped, almost like a fish, in surprise, though words did not reach him. Gawking was more what he did, and he actually had to cough in order to answer her questions. For once, Rawign was speechless. Fancy that.
"Uhh, I felt like pretending I was female?" Probably the wrong answer. Deciding for truth, he corrected, "Keliris wanted to talk to some girl named Beka, and he promised my firelizard he'd watch me so he hauled me over here. Plenty of people to hide behind. What in Faranth's name are you doing here and how long have you been here? -- Oh, another egg is moving."
Distracted quite efficiently from Religna once more, Rawign stood on the tips of his toes, ignoring the jolt of pain that movement caused. There was a large split in the Peacock Ore Egg and it looked as though it would hatch at any moment...
Shiny Hoarder
Weyrwoman Kaegan Dragonhealer E'rro Rider K'thay Woodcrafter E'iah Healer Raylanne Healer Ithanna Harper Zemaren [color=0BDA5
"When the Butterfly emurges, does the caterpillar no longer exist?"
Posts: 1,401
Post by Tashe on Dec 15, 2007 1:54:48 GMT -5
Clapping with the rest of the candidates and crowd, even if it was with slightly less enthusiasm, Saraina watched as the boy walked off with the Bronze before returning her attention to the rocking eggs. A hansom blue had hatched from the silver egg, but it was the peacock ore and the Diamond eggs that had caught most of her attention. Sure the Bronze and the Blue were interesting, but the Peacock egg had been one of the ones that she had been drawn to in the touching. Reclining against the wall and letting the difference in temperature cool her robed back, Saraina let her clapping hands fall to her side and then cross over her chest. Once again this scene reminded her of the last hatching, leaning against the wall, watching others impress, but at least she had another chance. That of which she was grateful of.
Unlike her friend, Gina cheered for the boy as he lead his bronze off the sands and into the feeding area. Although her attention shifted rather quickly as the silver egg hatched soon after his brother, and the startling color almost took total command of her attention from the other eggs. Blues had always been one of her favorite dragons, their spunk and vigor had always amused her, although she did know of one who tolerated no nonsense other than his own. Grinning at the thought of Jackreth, Gina let her stern blue eyes wonder up and over the stands looking for her cousin. Locating him near the front of the pus, the young woman smiled happily at him before turning her smile to Weyrwoman Kaegan who had taken her place next to the Weyrleader's section.
Switching her attention back to the hatching, the female candidate kept a close watch on the Blue, but made sure to watch the rocking of the other two eggs.
Making sure that most of the Candidates had come into the hatching arena, the Weyrlingmaster counted to sixty before making the long walk around the outside of the hatching grounds before ducking into an old servant's entrance to the second grounds entry. Quietly opening the door and slipping through the crack, F'rah retrieved his slate, writing pen and scroll, before standing in silence. It had felt good to begin his older duties again, and taking down names of the newly impressed happened to be one of his favorite things to do. Scratching the roof of his mouth with his tongue, the excited teacher clapped his hand against the slate before smiling down at the first bronzeweyrling of the clutch. "K'ran of Bronze Elazrith." Scratching the two names down and the color of the hatched dragon, F'rah pointed his writing utensil toward the feeding area and watched as the pair quickly followed his directions.
Sighing happily as the blue and the rocking eggs caught his attention, the Weyrlingmaster refrained from switching his weight to one foot and then the other in his excitement. A new class of students, and they would get to have help from the Senior weyrlings and... Oh the social aspects were amazing!
/Rahmine. Calm... take breaths. We don't need you getting to excited./
Weyrleader S'rei WM M?ta Rider A'nd Harper/Handler Dmitri Weyrbrat Miguel
Posts: 2,861
Post by Requiem on Dec 15, 2007 2:39:31 GMT -5
Still eyeing Aslath warily, Mutasim gradually worked his way behind as many of the boys as he could in a desperate attempt to escape her notice - though, truthfully, he didn't really look all that desperate were one to tear their eyes away from the hatching long enough to notice. His face was just as aggravatingly impassive as ever. Relying on his small stature, he moved between some of these giants, careful not to touch any of them. Mutasim now had surrounded himself in a ring of humanity that masked him from Aslath. And the hatchlings, too, but the candidate never believed he had a chance to impress. Therefore that last detail was negligible.
At last, he could breathe a soft sigh of relief. Though now things felt a bit...odd. At his first hatching, Mutasim had been so determined to Impress, so angry and frightened at the sight of the Bitran Lordholder who had somehow made it into the stands at Selenitas, that he'd noticed little else. Now he found himself almost lonely. The boys around him were murmuring excitedly, drawing courage from the others, while all he had was himself - and Faranth knows how far that goes. His mind flickered to Gina, to Narna. Were they here? He couldn't see beyond the back of the nearest boy. Why was it that, after all these months, the only ones amongst the candidates that he had even the remotest attachment to were female?
The murmuring swelled, then died into expectant silence. Mutasim's quick mind swiftly discerned that the first hatchling must have cracked shell. A brief flare of curiosity seized him, but he would not risk discovery by leaving his protective ring, such that the candidate shifted his weight restlessly, the movements barely noticeable and certainly ignored amidst the rest of the excitement. He could feel Jabari stirring at his neck, still hidden by the candidate's robe. The candidate willed his flitter to be still. After a moment or two, the brown settled again, and Mutasim could breathe.
In his distraction, he hadn't noticed the boys shifting around him, and Muta suddenly had a clear view of a handsome bronze dragonet sifting through the crowd of boys. Maybe Mutasim had changed somewhat since the last hatching. Perhaps it was the lack of distractions that did it. Or, just possibly, the fact that this dragonet was obviously not deformed warmed him. Regardless, he found himself overwhelmed. His mouth opened in a mute 'oh,' the small, dark-haired child finding himself landed squarely on his rump in the sands, now rather conspicuous in that his human shield had deserted him to move towards the bronze.
His next exclamation wasn't nearly so reverent. The sands were hot! He couldn't quite hold back the startled yelp, the candidate jumping to his feet and rubbing at his smarting backside with a wry grin on his face. He was a sharding dimglow today, wasn't he?
Salenth watched the first of his clutch crack shell with pride. They will be more than fine, beloved. A bronze. A bronze dragon hatched first. If ever there was a good sign for the first clutch of the senior queen, this was it. Salenth bugled a joyous welcome to the first of their clutch, the sire attempting to accomodate Aslath as best he could, though he really was too small to curl completely around her. The first Impression. See? No need to worry. They will all hatch. They will all be healthy. And they will all Impress the best of the candidates. They are yours, after all. It wasn't the first clutch he'd sired. Not even the biggest. But it was the first time he'd been allowed a role in the hatching of his clutch, and he was radiant with joy.
S'rei, too, found himself beaming with pride, both for the dragonets that were even now forging their way into the world, and for the care with which Shmee handled his nephew. Lauranna's gaze was riveted on the hatching. That, in itself, proved just how well the Weyrwoman had taken to the role of fostermother; his sister felt no need to watch the pair together every second of the day.
Between the happiness that Miguel had brought back into the Weyrleaders' lives and the excitement of the dragonets finding their lifemates, it was hard not to smile so big your face felt as if it would split. S'rei was quite positive he looked rabid, but he still didn't care. The grin wouldn't go away. Laurie happened to glance over for a brief moment and laughed, shaking her head at her brother's expression. That...thing he was contorting his face into could only be called goofy. The bronzerider attempted to scowl at her, but it was a failure from the start.
"They're beautiful, Shmee," he murmured quietly, pointedly ignoring his sister's amused giggling.