Shiny Hoarder
Rider Mi?rah Rider K?sel Rider Osnat Healer Raebeli
Posts: 1,020
Post by Lotty on Sept 17, 2011 20:51:51 GMT -5
Oh no. Leviathan had been found out, and Osnat immediately buried her face in her hands. Stupid golds, was it that hard for them to just ignore each other? The candidate just knew that the mandyr, even as young as she was, would refuse to let go, at least not without a remark thrown Millieth's way. Yes, the gold knew that there wasn't a whole lot she could physically do to get revenge, but she'd soon amass enough slaves that it wouldn't matter. Instead as she crawled out of the pocket and frilled back at the dragon queen she purred out in a sickly sweet voice, Other golds would could not sit in middle of my hatching.... her voice suddenly took a shift and Osnat tried to pre-emptively hush her to no avail.
Practicing her flying as she was, the mandyr flapped her unusually well formed wings and hovered for a moment over her bonded's head where she could not reach nor silence her. There was one more plea to stop, "Oh fuck, please Levi...." before, Other golds too fat. Wouldn't fit in hatching place. With that she huffed, and Osnat jumped to try and catch her tail before she made off towards that railing Millieth was so kind to reserve for her. See she'd sit all pretty here.
The candidate meanwhile had turned back from watching her pet's "strategic retreat" and nervously faced the queen. With a humble bite of her lip she sort of shrugged, "Uhmmm...." should she even try and say anything? Would the dragon hear her? Care even? She wasn't bothered so much by the fact that this might hurt her chances to Impress - babies wouldn't want to pick someone with a monster already attached - but she definitely didn't want to be dinner, and so the boyish girl pressed her luck with the best explanation she could manage. Osnat the master of rhetoric was up to bat, "But uh... sorry? She's like four days old? I mean take it up with her, she was only hitchin' a ride in my robes... can't be too responsible for a stowaway."
Post by Sebz on Sept 17, 2011 20:53:01 GMT -5
Casiloy's breath caught with anticipation as the first egg splintered and a small blue climbed out of the broken remains and took an uneasy step away from it's shattered prison. Ungainly, just as Casiloy had expected. It was amazing that the little creatures would soon grow to be the size of Feyrianth, or even larger. The blonde cocked his head in amusement, conjuring an image of the shiny green as a hatchling. With for wings to manuvear, the poor weyrling must have been tripping on itself.
What personality they had as well! The green that hatched next seemed excitable, albiet disoriented, so it was no surprise when it tripped into the sands. What amused Casiloy was the manner of the tripping, and he let out a chuckle of laughter as the blue swept the still gooey legs of the green out from under her. They were quiet funny Casiloy decided, giving the pair a small smile before turning back to the eggs that were still shaking.
They were clumsy, sticky, and rather disgusting looking. That about summed the newly hatched dragonets up in Casandra's mind. Nose wrinkled in distaste, she turned away from the green and blue who were continuing to squabble like children ,and back to the other eggs. Neither of the hatched were for her- they were not gold.
Casandra would not settle for anything besides her golden queen, so there really was no point paying any attention to the lowly greens. She had no competition, surely a Queen dragon would not pick another one of the female candidates over her. They did not carry themselves like leaders, or even woman at all Casandra thought, remembering that odd one whom had insisted on dressing like a boy. No, she was in a league of her own. She watched the rest of the eggs with concealed interest, waiting for the next one to crack
Post by cailan on Sept 17, 2011 20:59:58 GMT -5
Brelas was running late as he had been doing extra duty in the creche helping out again when the news of the hatching got his attention. He quickly left the children on the floor playing and then got on his boots that he had sat over to the side. When he ran to the candidates quarters and got his white robe then went down to the sands where everyone else had already gathered. The young man put the robe around him and tied it around himself . When he saw the great queen he bowed to her in order to show respect and saw that the eggs we're already moving. A personal hope of his that he would impress this day and that he would begin his journey as a dragon rider.
He finally noticed that a few dragons had hatched and he saw that hadn't chosen anyone as of yet. Brelas looked at them and didn't care what color he got. The desire to impress was there and watched hoping that they would take notice of him. When he saw that one was a blue and another was green he smiled at them. They we're already playful and that fact made him smile. (You can injure not kill).
Renisa was in the candidate barracks when a girl rushed in to announce that the eggs we're hatching. She quickly got dressed in her white robe and then ran down the pathway to the hatching grounds. When she got part way the girl ended up falling and quickly got up nothing was going to stop her from going to the hatching. The entrance to the hatching grounds was full of people and she had to work her way down tiers of seats to get to the bottom. A quick look around and she noticed that the eggs we're already starting to crack.
She noticed that a few of the eggs had hatched and she smiled at the playful nature of two of them. The blue one seemed to be picking on the green one and she waited as the other eggs seemed to be moving as well. Renisa breathed in as she fingered her red hair which she did when nervous. If she didn't impress this time the young woman didn't know what she would do.
(You can maul if you want)
Hilen had been eating in the weyr hall when everyone started to run to the hatching grounds after someone came in yelling that the eggs we're hatching. He quickly got up then ran back to get his white robe and started to wrap it around himself as he ran to the hatching grounds. The young man couldn't loose his chance to impress and prayed that there was a egg left for him.When he entered the young man noticed tons of people around there and moving through the crowd finally got to the bottom. A bow to the queen and he waited patiently in a line with others boys in white robes for a chance to impress.
When a few of the dragonets hatched and he held his breath because one was a green dragonet. The color that he wanted more then anything a green dragon just like the one that had searched him out. He looked at it then made happy thoughts appear in his head and hoped that it would improve his chances. Hilen hoped that the green dragon would turn to him and he just kept up the happy thoughts.
(You can maul if you want)
Weyrleader S'rei WM M?ta Rider A'nd Harper/Handler Dmitri Weyrbrat Miguel
Posts: 2,861
Post by Requiem on Sept 17, 2011 21:02:46 GMT -5
And mess up your lovely couch with blood? Kills are best eaten fresh and not during hatchings, Behruth commented good-naturedly, before the first of the hatchlings that he would love and guide broke shell. Crooning his greeting to both, he rested his head on his forelegs and watched their interactions intensely. That blue looked like he might be something of a troublemaker, that he did.
Once down off the couch, M'ta's progress went a good deal smoother, and he left Merridan to walk without a man-sized lump glued to her side. He couldn't help but laugh at the pair of them. Hadn't even been there and they already seemed to have heard nasty rumors about him. Tsk. "Oh? Your brother is spreading rumors, is he? What sort of rumors?" The brownrider cast a sly glance in the albinorider's direction. "Am I going to need to take my cane to him?"
Stopping by the tables, he found a chair and plopped into it gracelessly, dark eyes narrowing on the sea of white robes. "Perhaps it's good someone a little kinder is around to mother them, then," the man commented to Merridan dryly. "Our own little version of good cop, bad cop. Sort of. Isn't your brother somewhere out there? Which one is he?" M'ta asked curiously, glancing up at the woman.
Hive Mind
Rider M'gnum Rider Lilu Handler Max Handler Cainith Rider Cairenn Weyrfolk Samael
Posts: 752
Post by Aftershock on Sept 17, 2011 21:19:54 GMT -5
As Lilu entered the Sands, she hissed a bit in pain as the searing heat from the sand bored through her thin sandals and into her feet. Attempting to recover, she watched the other Candidates as they passed by Millieth, and did an awkward bow herself to the Queen, saying, "Your clutch is lovely, er... lady...?" she finished lamely, and then blushed a bit red as she continued to follow the others and line up. When it came to boys or looking pretty, Lilu was queen, but beyond those, her memory loss and therefore lack of life experience showed through painfully.
Lining up with the other girls, Lilu shifted awkwardly, trying to lift one foot, then the other, hoping she would get no blisters from the heat on the soles of her feet. As the Stands filled, she looked around, again, spotting Kaius and grinning widely, waving happily at him before remembering she was being watched and putting her arm back at her side, grinning sheepishly at Kaius once again before turning her attention to the clutch.
The eggs were so BIG, she thought. And so pretty. There were so few, though... she felt sorry for the other Candidates who would leave the Sands today without a dragon. She knew she would get one, of course, and hoped Kaius got one too... he deserved one. Feeling a bit embarrassed for Olivia and Osnat as their Sands indiscretions were brought to light by Millieth, her attention was pulled away when she heard the loud crack signalling the explosion of the One Stroke Egg, and cooed as she saw the cute little blue tumble from the place the egg used to be.
As she was trying to urge the little blue towards Kaius... though not too strongly, as she hoped for a bronze for him, to match her gold... she was suddenly distracted again as she heard the Cornershot Egg split in half, and held her hands in front of her mouth to muffle the squeal of glee as the cute little green plopped out. As the little green tried to move, constantly being tripped by her brother, Lilu grumped at the little blue, wishing at him to stop messing with his sister and let her Impress already.
Cainith smiled down at Ivy as she entered the Sands, waving at her and showing her the promised skin of wine with a wide grin. As he settled in to watch the proceedings, he kept a wary eye on K'ian, thinking the Wastelander was much too close to the proceedings for his liking.
Suddenly, a flurry of activity happened in the clutch, and Cainith's attention was pulled away from the bronzerider to see the One Stroke Blue emerge in an explosion of eggshells, and winced a bit as he saw a couple male Candidates get hit by the shrapnel. He looked over the blue hatchling carefully, and finally figure he couldn't see any mutations. Next the Cornershot Egg split, revealing a pale green, again with apparently no mutations. At that, Cainith silently thought towards the green, urging it towards Ivy... though he still kept an eye on K'ian.
When Freyr spotted Vellani, he sent an image of her to His, and Samael immediately grinned widely and waved in what he hoped was Vellani's direction. Settling back down, he sat back and listened, hearing the broadcasts from Millieth and grimacing at whatever poor souls were being called out, and then the loud crack of the One Stroke Egg exploding. Freyr sent His an image of the One Stroke Blue, and Samael was relieved that it seemed unmutated. Soon, the splitting sound of the Cornershot Egg filled the air, and Freyr's image to His of the Cornershot Green made Samael breathe another sigh of relief, then he began hoping the little green would go to Vellani.
T'san Iskierka Dy'shi Jazheera Ae'on Nephele Qaena K'dem Eikane
Posts: 1,832
Post by Ember on Sept 17, 2011 21:42:54 GMT -5
T'san entirely blamed Svelte's influence for getting him to the hatching. Except...except he actually kinda had been lying a bit when he said he didn't want to go. Human babies? Yeah they kinda sucked. Dragon babies? Kinda adorable after Dsoleth had sired a clutch. So sue him for being a sap for stumbling, funny little monsters. Thankfully once he was in the hatching, Svelte shut up and started humming for the hatching babies. He was waiting for her to comment on wrong choices, though.
The brownrider, in looking for a seat, spotted Elysia and S'rei. He was still a little boggled over that combo but...whatever. Hey, at least I know they'd both probably be open to a threesome, he commented to Dsoleth. The dragon snorted from his perch and didn't respond. T'san could only grin at the beast's reaction. They both knew he (probably...) wouldn't actually do anything like a threesome but it was still amusing to bring up from time to time.
Just before T'san made his presence to the pair known he overheard Elysia's comment and chuckled. "But Elysia! Tentacles make everything more fun, and three heads would mean it would know how to use them all." He slipped into a seat next to the greenrider and added, "Heyo S'rei." Two friends at once, bonus! His hazel gaze flicked to the sands and he quickly spotted Casandra. Her impression ought to be interesting.
Dy'shi was so very glad Millieth's hatching was not happening at a Wasteland dominated weyr that time around. He really didn't want to see any hatchlings killed again. Especially not since he actually knew a candidate. Him and Kyrstin were about as far from friends as Chakraith was from being male. They simply weren't. That didn't mean he wished any sort of ill will on the Healer though. Heck, had Kyrstin not been so...prickly all the time...well, hmm.
Sheya, ever the polite firelizard, brushed the wonderful Millieth's mind briefly with her intentions before fluttering off Dy'shi's shoulder. She flew right on down to Kyrstin and gently alighted on his shoulder with a quiet chirp in greeting. Good luck, do be careful. Hopefully you impress a male. And then she was off again, flying straight back to Dy'shi. The bluerider was absolutely stunned by the green's rather straightforward...well, straightforwardness. He moaned and placed his head in his hand. "Sheyaaaaa."
Rider Cr'oph Rider Er'ani Rider Elysia Rider/Healer Erilena Wherhandler Sydney Holdbrat Emitre Holdbrat Dileina Weyrbrat Elias Weyrbrat Terilyn
Woooo~ I am a fox!
Posts: 3,021
Post by Rei on Sept 17, 2011 22:01:16 GMT -5
Sydney flinched as the egg in front of them exploded, sending sharp shards flying like shrapnel though the air. One of the sharp edged pieces glanced her leg but it was but a mere scrape. Standing beside August she swallowed the lump in her throat and pushed her nervousness away, her hand going to her brother’s face. Concern was evident in her tone as well when she finally spoke. Gus was all she had left in this entire world. “Yeah I’m fine. Got my leg but it’s trivial. How about you?” Her green eyes flicked to the blue that had exploded out of the shell and then to the green that hatched not long after his sister. The little blue seemed to have quite the little personality tripping his sister up as she tried to gain her legs. Almost reminded her of August and her as kids. Only she would be the blue.
Tearing her eyes from the baby dragons and back to her brother she managed a smile for him and took his wrist to direct his hand away from his face so she could get a better look at his cut. “It’s shallow at least.” Sydney glanced back at the hatchlings. “Think we’re too close?” Her eyes again flicked to the hatchlings. But there was no fear in her gaze. Mostly just curiosity.
Er’ani beamed as Vellani blushed and waved at him. Good she knew he was here supporting her then, that was all that mattered. Settling back he watched as the new dragons spilled onto the sands. No noticeable mutations in these ones it seemed. Hmm. Well that was a slight relief. Didn’t mean that trend would continue but Er’ani was glad.
Lketh’s head lifted higher at the recognition from Millieth and he hummed louder in response to the hatching of his new half siblings shifting on his ledge to get a better look at them.
Elysia was about to pout about her lack of reaction from S’rei when another voice made itself oh so clearly heard and her head turned from the seated bronzer to the approaching T’san. Dark eyes lit up with amusement as he finished his comment and she grinned at the brownrider the expression a touch wicked. “But T’san! I imagine that would depend on length and width of said tentacles.” She purred sweetly in response before turning to greet the brownrider. “As for three heads, that poor thing. I bet it would have a terrible time figuring out what it was doing.” As the man sat in a seat beside her the greenrider leaned over his lap slightly, hand coming up to flick a stray bang out of his face. “Getting a touch shaggy looking.”
Straightening back up Elysia followed T’san’s gaze and glanced at the sands as well. “You have someone you know down there?” Came the automatic question, dark eyes flicking back to his face as she offered him another teasing smile. No rivers here for him to dump her in and she was half tempted to push her luck. Never one to ever turn down a battle of flirtation from T’san she wrinkled her nose as she noted that he had taken the seat next to S’rei. “You took my seat you know.” With that she simply plopped herself into T’san’s lap and purred. “So you can be my living chair or you can move your ass somewhere else.”
Shiny Hoarder
Weyrwoman Kaegan Dragonhealer E'rro Rider K'thay Woodcrafter E'iah Healer Raylanne Healer Ithanna Harper Zemaren [color=0BDA5
"When the Butterfly emurges, does the caterpillar no longer exist?"
Posts: 1,401
Post by Tashe on Sept 17, 2011 22:16:20 GMT -5
They will not force us They will stop degrading us They will not control us We will be victorious So come on Without further ado, the Masse Egg neatly collapsed in on itself with the help of two grabbing claws. Eventually, and after a little struggle, the Masse Blue managed to free itself from the confines of his shattered egg and present itself to the world. Icy blue like the ice deep in a glacier, the little male yawned at the humans before taking a few steps here and there, getting used to the silly things that he needed to walk with. In fact he'd just gotten a hold of walking when the One Shot Blue tripped the Corner Shot Green again. Stalking over to his clutchsiblings, the significantly lighter Blue chattered angrily at his brother. Rising to his feet, the One Shot Male gave his brother a look that was vaguely similar to "you and what army?" and pinned his Sister just to spite the other Blue. Dropping into a crouch, the Masse Blue growled at the cocksure One Shot Blue, nearly ordering the other male to let their sister go. The Cornershot Green was smart enough to keep her mouth shut and draw as little attention as she could to herself, let the boys duke it out. The One Shot Blue hissed. How dare that insolent Blue tell him what to do! Did he think he was a Bronze?! Pushing off his Greensister, who's tail promptly smashed into the Arc Egg, the darker One Shot Blue flared his wings with a hiss. Bring it on pretty boy! Meanwhile the Arc Egg hatchling took the early cracking as a sign and practically exploded from her egg, snarling at her sister Green. HOW DARE SHE. Flicking her wings so that the lighter female was drenched in goo, the dark Arc Green hissed. The Corner Shot Green scrambled back from the Arc Green with a squawk. She hadn't meant to break the egg! Of course, the Arc Green didn't care. She had been waiting for THE PERFECT MOMENT TO HATCH, and that stupid Green had ruined it for her! Picking her way out of the scattered remains of her shell with a finesse that none of her other clutchsiblings had shown, the darker Green proceeded to stalk after the Corner Shot Green. The One Shot Blue cocked his head before sighing, oh well. Turning around slowly the darker male watched the Masse Blue for a moment before... whipping his tail around and striking his clutchbrother across the face, sending the other Blue sprawling across the sand. The Masse Blue instantly scrambled onto his feet and snarled. What a cheap shot, clearly his brother had no honor! Launching himself at the One Shot Blue, he made a near miss and scrambled to run after his mocking clutch brother. He almost caught him once or twice before finally tackling him... straight into Cassandra, sending the girl sprawling. The One Shot Blue, having no regard for the human thing beneath him, swung out his claws managing to catch more of the girl than his Brother. Not that he cared. The Masse Egg on the other hand, did care about the human and did his best to untangle himself from her and his Brother without much injury to the girl, and he managed to do so. The One Shot Blue, who saw that the Masse Blue had escaped him, balanced on Cassandra's stomach before pushing off and chasing after his brother. Needless to say, he left the poor Candidate bleeding pretty heavily from claw gouges all over her arms, chest and stomach. She even received two parallel gashes under her left eye, which in some ways was fortunate... at least she wouldn't loose an eye? Millieth growled lowly, watching the two sets of her children fight. They were only but minutes old and already causing more trouble than they were worth! She focused her attention on the two fighting Blues as they managed to knock down another hapless candidate (this time Serring) and deliver slashes to his legs and, after accidentally knocking him down, a long gash to his shoulder. Roaring, she enveloped their minds, forcing them back to her. The two Blues scampered back to flatten themselves in front of their mother. Meanwhile the Overhand and Trickshot Eggs were cracking, the former less violently than the other... Interchanging mind control Come let the, revolution takes its toll If you could, flick the switch and open your third eye You'd see that, we should never be afraid to die (So come on)
Shiny Hoarder
Weyrwoman Kaegan Dragonhealer E'rro Rider K'thay Woodcrafter E'iah Healer Raylanne Healer Ithanna Harper Zemaren [color=0BDA5
"When the Butterfly emurges, does the caterpillar no longer exist?"
Posts: 1,401
Post by Tashe on Sept 17, 2011 22:37:17 GMT -5
"Oh... something about a grumpy slavedriver I think and in so many words." He crossed his arms with a smile. "Though I think you should take your cane to the brat anyways. It might do him some good. Or at least teach him to be swift enough to avoid cane hits." The Journeyman was so involved in talking to his friend that he missed the fight between the Blues travel down the sands and into the Candidates. Only a scream brought his attention around. Stupid! Pay more attention. "I've got this." Spinning around, E'rro darted along the wall (avoiding the Blues) and around candidates until he reached the girl he'd been getting pointed to.
"Farnath." He said as he dropped to his knees, slinging his bag onto the sands and gently moving the girl's head so she'd look at him. "Its alright, I'm here now. You'll be safe. What is your name?" He needed her to keep talking to him so she wouldn't pass out... and pass out she might, that bleeding looked heavy. "I need to open your robes to get at your wounds." Immediately he moved the folds so he could start applying thick patches of gauze to the bleeding areas. He was soon joined by Ithanna, who began helping him with the girl.
Kyrahth. Yes, Mine is here in the stands. Yours is most welcome to join him if he gets rebuffed by Fuths.
(too tired to type out k'thay's part, he's just sitting and watching. >> M'ta can just chill, he'll be needed later. >>)
Post by Sebz on Sept 17, 2011 22:37:39 GMT -5
Casiloy stepped back as soon as the fighting broke out, adroitly avoiding the slashing claws of the two dragons locked in combat, he did not feel like getting maimed thank you very much. He watched the two blue's go after each other, face changing from disgruntled amusement to pure dismay as they trampled over Casandra.
Pain. Pure, blinding pain was all that Casandra could comprehend as claws dug and ripped through her clothes and her skin. Pain. She felt blood seeping over her skin, warm and sticky. Pain. Her whole world was pain. She closed her eyes, letting out a screech of anguish the two dragons ripped her to shreds. Was it over? The ripping had stopped, but then almost imediatly after, her stomach was pierced by another set of claws.
It was done, but the intense pain remained. Blood continued to pour as well, and Casandra was left in the sands, sand mixing with blood, causing the wounds to sting uncomfortably. She didn't know what was injured and what wasn't, her body just ached, she wanted to escape the pain. She could close her eyes and go to sleep, that seemed like such a good idea, but she couldn't.
She could move, but just barely, the worst of the gashed were on her arms, she was extremely lucky that the claws that had ripped through her stomach had not punctured any vital organs. But she was still loosing blood at an incredibbly fast rate, and each second that past, her thoughts seemed to get more hazy. The feeling intensified when she tried to sit up.
Stop the blood. That was the only thing she could concentrate on. Stop the blood. She pressed brought her right hand to her stomach weakly, and tried to add pressure, but she wasn't strong enough. She needed help, and needed it desperately. The only other thought occured to her was that she would not leave the sands. She would get treatment right here, the healers wouldn't let her die... would they? No, treatment could be done on the sands, she didn't want to be moved away from the clutch, Casandra decided through a pain hazed brain.
The numbness was setting in, and though that might not be a good sign, Cassandra praised Faranth for it. Numbness was better than pain. And then help arrived. "Cassandra," she answered the dragonriders, fighting to keep her eyes open, recognizing that if she let them closed they may not open again. No, she wouldn't die. She refused to die.
Post by cailan on Sept 17, 2011 23:00:01 GMT -5
Brelas watched as another blue hatched and started a fight with the other blue. When he saw a green of a darker color hatch and then there was chaos as a young girl candidate got injured. The candidate just looked on as the young dragnets stopped and seemed to look at the queen who was probably chastising them for their poor behavior. A smile on his lips at their behavior and then he put on a straight face to hide it. He enjoyed their antics and even though a girl was injured it was all part of the experience. They we're babies and didn't really know what was going on as he watched as another egg started to hatch.
He had to wonder why none of them seemed eager to impress. Brelas looked at the candidates around him and figured that at least one of them would be found worthy. The young man had a terrible thought what if none of them we're found worthy. If no candidates we're found worthy then the dragnets would between and he sighed. He tried to put positive thoughts in his head and hoped that the dragnets sensed it.
Shiny Hoarder
Rider K?ian Handler Kaius Rider Au?st Rider L?am Rider Saphor Rider Olivia Handler Tekivix Rider Vellani[/color
Posts: 515
Post by Zephyr on Sept 17, 2011 23:04:37 GMT -5
Kai watched two more dragons hatch. They seemed to be intent on fighting with their same sexed siblings. Taking half a step backwards to give the dragonets a wide berth ( he didn't like to see them fighting like they were, but he wasn't about to get ripped in half because he was worried). Unfortunately, it seemed, a girl would get in the way without realizing it. When he had first seen the girl, he dismissed her as some blonde bimbo who probably should never be a dragonrider, and he remembered vaguely hoping she wouldn't impress. Now, as she lay, broken and bleeding in the sand, Kaius had to keep himself from going to her aid. There seemed to be someone on the way, and Kaius was no healer. He let the man do his job, hoping that she was okay, even if he didn't know her.
He returned to watching the dragons, not really needing to tell others to try and stay out of their way. After seeing what happened to the girl, most of the candidates had the same idea he did. The boy was relieved when the babies returned to their mother, obviously having been berated by her. He watched them a little smugly.
That's what you get for being jerks.
Vellani noticed Samael waving and grinned. She was still a little red in the face from Er'ani. Suddenly, Sammy popped back from between, choosing to settled in front of Samael and Freyr on the railing. He wasn't sure how he felt about his bonded being on the sands. There seemed to be a lot of bad and candidates leaking. These baby dragons didn't seem very nice at all. Chirruping worriedly to his brother, Sammy watched the hatching raptly, ruffling his wings in his concern. He wouldn't be happy if one of those overgrown flits attacked his.
Ani didn't notice the flit, nor was she aware of his inner monologue. At the moment, she was focused on the eggs, because two more had hatched. One, on its own and the other with the help of its sister's tail. The newly hatched eggs were a blue and a green, respectively. The new blue was a gorgeous color, and the girl was watching it with eyes wide. Soon though, she would "eep" in fear as the dragons started fighting, trampling and seriously maiming a girl. A girl she knew. She thought for a second, remembering her name all at once. Casandra.
One of the healers came down to work on her, and Vellani sighed in relief, watching the blue dragons run to their mother, and watching the greens continuing to bicker. This was certainly a stressful hatching, Vellani thought, taking an involuntary step back. Suddenly, she wished these were mandyrs. At least they couldn't cause that much damage, she thought, looking to Casandra again.
Buram wanted to help the girl when she got trampled, already his healery instincts were kicking in, but trying to avoid the marauding hatchlings took up most of his attention. It helped that E'rro was coming over to help her. He knew he didn't have to worry about her. She was safe in the man's hands. He was extremely capable, probably more capable than most of the healers he knew. For now, the boy turned his attention to the eggs. He watched the quivering eggs in fear, hoping that demon dragons intend on maiming all of them didn't come out. But, judging by the ferocity with which one of them was shaking, he somehow doubted it.
Olivia was pleased that no one seemed to mind her indiscretion too much. She was able to stand up a little taller when no one was going to pass her dirty glares. They were all probably too focused on the eggs to worry about what she did wrong. This made her very happy, and she watched as more eggs hatched and the four hatchlings began to fight, the blues completely tramping a girl not too far from her. Squeaking, the girl jumped away, watching as the dragonets departed and left the girl bleeding in the sand. This wasn't good. Not good at all.
Gave darted to the remaining eggs. Three left. Two were shaking, including the biggest. She was a little concerned that the babies who were already hatched hadn't yet impressed. Would they between, like the baby at Jingth's hatching? She hoped not...but they had hatched. They had wanted to hatch. Surely theirs would be around here somewhere. There were plenty of candidates to choose from, unlike the scant amount they had managed to gather together for the last hatching.
Saphor's eyes widened as the newly hatched dragons began to fight! This was no way to run a family! She kept quiet though, watching the bickering siblings from narrowed eyes. Hopefully they wouldn't hurt...oh wait. They did hurt someone. The two blue hatchlings ran over some blonde girl, resulting in a lot of blood. Saphor watched her for a moment, making sure someone was coming to help before looking to the eggs again. If Phai's first hatching was anything like this, she might seriously consider hiring a bodyguard for her daughter...or at least not letting her stand at all.
" I'm fine..." Gus trailed off, noticing the cut on Syd's leg. She was a healer though, and he knew if it was serious, she would be more worried, or at least tell him. Still, it was difficult not to be a little worried, especially when she looked at the gash on his face. He grinned at his sister. She was the only one who knew him, the only one who never judged him. The only one that really cared much about him, honestly. Decided to divert her attention from him, he pointed to the unhatched eggs that were shaking. " Look. More are about to hatch!" He said brightly.
Hive Mind
Handler Roivao Rider G'tor Rider Merridan Rider T'ke Rider N'rik Handler Porita Rider Farryl Rider Kyr'n[/color
Posts: 1,550
Post by Rowana on Sept 17, 2011 23:36:17 GMT -5
Waiting for the hatchlings to move, Kyrstin was surprised to feel something land on his shoulders. He scowled. Weren't pets forbidden on the sands. His scowl only deepened when he saw which pet it was. Sheya, Dy'shi's annoying, matchmaking green. At least she wasn't showing him suggestive pictures today, only encouragement. Kyrstin shrugged as she left. He didn't need encouragement to get a male dragon. He wasn't getting a girl, that much he was sure of!
Kyrstin watched the dragons fight with mild concern. Weren't they supposed to be picking candidates? Was it normal for them to hate so much so soon after hatching? More than ever he was sure he didn't want one of these hatchlings. He heard enough about Millieth's clutches and their mutations besides. What if these ones weren't quite right in the head? At least they seemed to listen to their mother, even if it did look like the one girl was dead.
Training had Kystin moving towards Casandra almost at once, but E'rro and Ithanna were just as quick though and prepared, so Kyrstin was happy to leave the issue to them. She wasn't the only one injured, however, leaving Krystin to wonder if the earthquake had damaged some of their common sense. Didn't they teach you to get out of the way when angry, clawed dragons came your way?
Kyrstin moved through the group of boys to Serring's side. He didn't look as bad as the girl, though the wounds on his leg and shoulder were probably painful. Kyrstin pulled out his emergency kit from under his robe. After the earthquake, he hardly went anywhere without it now. Pulling out some clean clothes, he started to apply pressure to the leg wound. "Hold still," he ordered. Serring was now his patient, at least until the other healers took him off his hands.
Merridan made a face, wrinkling her nose in mock distaste. "I'm no one's mother," she said bluntly. Honestly, she wouldn't know the first thing about being one anyway. Immediately she locked onto the next topic with a grin. "Yup, he's down there." She pointed to one of the robed boys with sandy hair. "That's him over there." Her excitement over her siblings presence was over shadowed by a commotion by the hatchlings.
Mer cursed under her breath. All that blood and violence and not one of the hatchlings seemed to have chosen. Was it a bad omen? They didn't need any more bad luck after everything over the past year. Mer started to help M'ta up, but E'rro was already moving towards the stricken girl. A boy was hurt as well, though one of the candidates seemed to be helping him. Mer glanced at M'ta, waiting for his cue if he wanted to help and if he wanted her to assist him. She really didn't want her friend to feel more dependent then he must already. "Maybe our first lesson should involve dodging dragons," she suggest, with dry humor.
T'ke wasn't sure why he always had to come to Hatchings. He knew it was rude not too, but honestly, it made little difference if he did or not. Garaeth insisted, however, and it was always hard to deny the blue dragon when he really wanted something. He had a way of being convincing. Still, he'd brought Gara along for more company. The little blue, while a surprise, had proved a kindred spirit several times. Besides, his presence usually kept Shard and Haru away.
At first everything seemed to be going well, until the hatchlings started fighting. T'ke felt his stomach go sick. Even though it was impossible, he was sure he could smell the copper stink of blood and his head started to spin. This is why I hate hatchings! he thought bitterly. He couldn't see well enough to see if the girl was dead, but it sure looked messy.
Gara on his shoulder was having his own ideas. He watched the proceedings mournfully. Oh how tragic it was! The poor little humans! Scarred for life! Beaten! Trampled! Never again to frolic with their friends. Doooooooom! the salamandyr wailed in pity. Saaaad! Blooooood! Hoooorrroooor!
Rider C?vin Rider S'rring Rider T'vis Rider Ivy Handler Swithin Rider Ruliana Rider Roselle Holdbrat Aithyn
Posts: 524
Post by Ivy on Sept 17, 2011 23:47:35 GMT -5
~ Ivy ~ The fiery haired Candidate was no fool. When she saw the next set of dragons hatch and the fighting intensify she took a step back. Then another. This put her far enough away to avoid the Blue when he came toppling over onto Casandra - who apparently hadn't been paying enough attention to the dragons to notice they were coming right at her. And she paid dearly for not moving out of the way. Ivy's face paled as she saw the damage the two Blues (really only one of them had done the damage, the other at least seemed sympathetic about it) had done to the blonde Candidate. Babies they may be, but they were dangerous babies. Then Millieth had her children in line, mostly. The Blues retreated from the Candidates while the darker Green stalked the lighter one. Each one seemed decent enough physically wise - though their personalities were a bit iffy thus far. Frowning Ivy looked around, apparently the Blues had gotten another Candidate too before they retreated to their mother, Serring. She knew him from their mutual time spent as Candidates for more than a turn whilst everyone else Impressed. Biting her bottom lip she rocked up onto her toes to see how much damage he'd endured - though it seemed it wasn't as serious as Casandra's injuries were. Thank Farnath for that. With all the comotion going on, the blood leaking onto the sands, the screams from the Candidates, and just general chaos - the next two eggs that began to crack and hatch went unnoticed by the woman for now. ~ Serring ~ He wasn't left to wonder for long what the Masse Egg held inside - as it hatched a gorgeous glacier Blue dragonet appeared. Smiling he appreciated the handsome male until he came closer to his siblings and seemed to scold his clutchsibling, and the One Shot Blue was having none of the Masse Blue's attitude (even though the later was in the right). As the Cornershot Green backed away from her clutchbrothers her tail caused the Arc Egg to hatch - and the Arc Green was not happy about this at all. As the Arc Green began to stalk after the Cornershot Green, the two Blues began to get more violent in their fighting. Serring tried to move out of the way, in fact he did back up - but then when he saw the Blues mauled a female Candidate he stepped forward to see past the others to see if she was alright. Then the Blues were off of her and heading his way. So focused on watching as a healer rushed to the girl he was, he didn't know that the One Shot Blue and Masse Blue were in a collision course with him until it happened. He found himself on the ground and searing pain in his shoulder an leg. There were gashes across his abdomen as well, though none were too deep. Blood seeped through and stained the white of his robes as he laid there. A deep breath as he gathered himself and then he pushed himself into a sitting position, groaning. Shards those baby claws could do some damage! He didn't call too much attention to himself though, Casandra certainly needed it more. His wounds continued to bleed, but at a slow pace. Ripping off one of the arms from his robe he wrapped it as best he could around his shoulder and held a hand over the wound. He would wait his turn to be seen by a healer - though he again was not left waiting long. Another Candidate, Kyrstin, was there with clean cloth. He didn't move when the other Candidate put pressure on his leg, though he hissed a bit at the new pain in the wound. "It isn't too bad..." He started, but realizing that Kyrstin would stay and tend to him regardless he added, "Thanks." ~ Tavis ~ There were more of them now. And they were fighting. They fought like children - and in the back of his mind it registered that they had just hatched and thus they were only children. But honestly, he had expected more from dragons. Or he hadn't really. This was much of what he expected. A few steps back were given and from his new vantage point he watched the following unfold: Casandra getting mauled - she kind of deserved it though, honestly. Serring get mauled - he didn't know the older Candidate but he probably deserved it to. After all, he seemed to want to be a dragonrider. Maybe the mauling he got would knock some sense into him. Tavis just kicked some sand and rolled his eyes. Honestly, couldn't the Gold control the monsters she had created a bit better? One better not come near him, he'd kick the damned thing if it tried slicing and dicing him up with those claws. Good news though... four were hatched which left only three to go and then he could leave. And he was eyeing the door like it was a gateway to heaven right about now.
Weyrleader S'rei WM M?ta Rider A'nd Harper/Handler Dmitri Weyrbrat Miguel
Posts: 2,861
Post by Requiem on Sept 18, 2011 0:12:05 GMT -5
M'ta was grinning more today than he had in awhile. Between E'rro and Merridan you'd almost think he was enjoying himself. Which of course meant that it was bound to go all wrong. The brownrider was just about to point out the one he thought Mer was referring to as her brother when chaos erupted. The woman needn't have worried; he immediately reached for her arm, standing. Though even he didn't know if it was to go help or an instictively defensive reaction. If they ended up over here he wanted to be able to move. E'rro seemed to be handling it, though, and Millieth had taken control of her hatchlings.
After another few seconds, M'ta sat back down. "More likely controlling them," he responded grimly, much of his good humor having evaporated. "If anything else happens, we'll be needed." He glanced at Mer to be sure she took his meaning. He couldn't move very fast without her, and anything as severe as what had just happened with that girl couldn't wait on his limp. M'ta attempted a smile for her, though. "Going to be a long turn and a half, eh?" It was strange, really; usually it was Ruth shaking off M'ta's anger, not the other way around.
Ruth was pissed. The brown had actually stood, his head lowered and eyes slitted angrily as they focused on the pair of blues. Leave off this foolishness and choose Yours. Any more fighting and you will not enjoy me tomorrow or for the rest of our time together. His head swiveled toward the greens. That goes for you, too. Stop chasing your sister and find Yours before you hurt your future rider by acting stupid.
S'rei was well-used to Elysia. He'd swatted her for a similar comment earlier, so naturally she escalated and mentioned tentacles and multiple heads. Another swat would probably have this imaginary hatchling with one leg at the center of its body and connected to an identical twin by its tail. So naturally he sat without saying anything at all, merely fixing her with a raised brow, as if to say really?
Elysia did get her desired reaction, however, in the form of a T'san who could not resist such an obvious opportunity for double entendre. S'rei could merely chuckle and shake his head as the two started going back and forth. "Hey, T'san," he returned, with a genuine smile. Of the many familiar faces recently showing up in Burimyu, this man's was perhaps the most welcome.
And of course Elysia chose that moment to plop right into the man's lap. S'rei's eyes narrowed on her for a moment before the commotion on the Sands stole his attention. "...I've seen a lot of Hatchings, but rarely any so violent so early," he mused aloud. Then he glanced sidelong at Elysia. "Comfy?" Oh, he hoped she was getting herself all nice and squirmy. There was such a thing as karma, he was convinced.