Rider C?vin Rider S'rring Rider T'vis Rider Ivy Handler Swithin Rider Ruliana Rider Roselle Holdbrat Aithyn
Posts: 524
Post by Ivy on Aug 6, 2011 20:38:57 GMT -5
Tavis watched with little interest as the remaining eggs hatched and the Greens chose theirs. He was getting ready to turn and leave, assuming the last egg was a dud - however then it hatched out a very reddish Brown. He thought the Brown was somewhat interesting, but not really. Apima however crooned and pet Tavis' cheek as she watched the others hatch and Impress. The little 'mandyr was so excited!
Well that was done so he was out of here - or so he thought. He stopped paying attention to the firelizards, even the Brown, and turned to leave. Then he felt something land on his shoulder. A glance over told him the Brown was there, and as he wriggled and hopped a bit on Tavis' shoulder the young man closed his eyes and let out a heavy sigh.
Apima's frill flared and she hissed at first when the Brown's mind melded in with Tavis', she could feel their bond there. But after a moment she calmed down and reached out to pet the Brown and croon happily to him, a new friend!!
"Shards.", was all Tavis could say as he realized he was going to be stuck with yet another pet. Reaching up he offered the Brown a meatroll, which his new bubbly pet accepted eagerly. "And now you need a name... its too early for this." After a long moment to think about it he gave another heavy sigh and added, "Helios."