ZephyrI live in her head so I’m pretty much obliged to love her, but even if I weren’t I probably still would (and ain’t that just trippy). That said, there have been many a well-spent, procrastination-filled SPN-a-thon that I absolutely will never regret until I end up failing all my classes; she puts up with my mindless rambling and pleas for entertainment and is pretty much awesome incarnate. Her posts always make me smile and/or d’aw and while she’s not had the best time lately, she’s been so amazingly brave and wonderful. In short, much love forever. Name-
Species- Firelizard
Color- Brown (#994c09 | #1a0e00 | #a88b6a)
Appearance- Hey there Gigantor, what’ve you eaten lately? This brown’s built unrepentantly big in every way—bronzes step aside, please; this one’s a match for the queens. He’s not quite bulky but he’s decidedly muscular anyway, strength in every sharp masculine line of his frame with an impressive wingspan to match. With a spectacularly long tail to boot he promises to truly be a sight to behold in the air, and despite his awkwardly huge size he pulls off adorable quite well with a penchant for an expression best described as a puppy dog face, complete with wide eyes and a somberly downturned mouth.
He’s an attractive, neat shade of brown, rich in hue and gleaming with rainbows of reds and oranges when he moves. This brown’s a spectacle of mirages, a veritable oil slick in shades of fire; even golden overtones shine down his spine and sides when he’s especially well-oiled. The one spot where he does not flash a perpetual gleam is on his left shoulder where, high and in near the collarbone and his pulse, is a tiny marking as dark as to be black and completely matte; it’s roughly circular in shape with triangles etched out of the center, the outer edges curling into some tribal symbol of the sun. Finally, a paler dusty brown speckles lightly across his hide, collecting most heavily over the curve of his throat and spreading down his sides to vanish along his legs, tail, and wings.
Personality- With big bodies come big brains and plenty of opinions; this brown is easily smarter than a good ninety-some percent of his kin, and has the sweet charm and charisma to pull it off. He’s got a goofy playful side, too, but it’s more often hidden in long-suffering indulgence than ecstatic childish play; his sense of humor, however, still comes out in slightly dry but harmless overtones. It’s easy for this brown to slip into good graces, too; he’s observant and unconsciously adjusts to individuals to present himself in the best possible light, and sure, that includes lying sometimes, but if he’s good at cleaning up after himself, nobody can tell. Mostly.
He’s a big believer in family ties, but his family tends to be very small, consisting of only His and the mindmates that come by proxy with His, but very few others. Significant others that His may have, close friends, whatever—they don’t count. Not that he doesn’t like them, but they’ll never be as important. That said, the brown’s a natural at what fighting firelizards can achieve, and ruthless with it, but he doesn’t like to be; his ideal would simply be domesticity, comfort, home—a normal life minus all the thrills. And yeah, he’ll complain sometimes, but overall he’s a good sport about however things go down.
And like every intellectual ought to be he’s fond of books, preferably ones with pictures since he can’t, you know, read, but any will do and if nothing else his favorite sleeping spot will always be curled up on an open book (occasionally one that His is trying to read if there aren’t any others available, but he doesn’t make a deliberate nuisance of himself). And, peculiarly, salads; he’ll pick a salad any day over meat raw or cooked and he tries to get His to follow suit—it’s healthy, c’mon, isn’t that good? WhiteyHer livestreaming sessions are really neat and I adore her taste in music too (she totally needs to send me her stuff)! She's always funny and kind in the cbox and while I have yet to one-on-one roleplay with her I'm really looking forward to it 'cause I know it'll be wicked awesome! Also, I totally love your avatar. <3Name: ?
Colour: Blue
#003344 #0022AAAge: Hatchling (March 3018)
Physical Appearance: In form this blue is perfectly average, he has no physical oddities to speak of. He's got a lean, slightly long build with a tail that likes to hook around the nearest thing or person. His wings are perfect for his build, not too long or two wide. He's on the small side for a blue but certainly not the smallest. He has a peculiar slinking grace that looks sneaky and predatory all at once and this follows him into the air with the odd ability to fly almost silently thanks to expert use of air currents and gliding.
This firelizard is a dark blue with green undertones, bordering on teal. His hide has this interesting sort of matte appearance on this blue that makes him seem a bit like an unfinished painting, especially considering the glossy appearance of his ultramarine blue markings. Starting at a common point at the tip of his nose, the ultramarine separates into two racing stripes along his neck and back, all the way along his tail where they once again meet up at the fork and cover the two tips. He also has ultramarine booties on three of his feet. His front right paw is the exception and is the simple dark, matte blue. His wingsails are a perhaps a shade lighter than his matte blue but it's hardly noticeable.
Personality: This blue is a curious little guy. To most he is simply a mindless shoulder accessory that requires food and oiling. He does not make a sound and he hardly even blinks. His movements are subtle and slow, always so slow. So yes, to outsiders he is nothing more than the most perfect pet ever. You know that saying that appearances can be deceiving? So very true of this little guy. The entire time His is interacting with someone you can guarantee this little guy will be showing the most outrageous images to his bonded. Disgusting, shocking, funny, he doesn't descriminate. The point for him is to get His to show some kind of inappropriate reaction to whoever he is talking to. No one would ever believe His either, not with the way he acts so perfectly statuesque!
He's an entirely different creature when he's not acting like a shoulder ornament. Not to say he's away from His much - he's really, really not. Little bugger just loves His too much, in his own weird way, to stay away - but this blue isn't quite so annoying after the first few encounters with someone. Once they've already befriended His then he goes on acting like a normal firelizard unless, of course, the situation is Serious Business and then he goes back to his shoulder perching persona. Off-the-shoulder he's an endearing little sort, fond of doing whatever tricks he knows and fetching things and trying to share his food. When he's out of his hatchling days he'll actually hunt for himself more often than not so his food tends to be small fish or bugs. Kinda gross, but still really endearing.
This food sharing thing manifests in flights. He will without fail carry a gift of food into every flight and carry it throughout. Should he not be picked that gift of food will still be around for the female afterwards, stowed away in whatever weyr she lives in. He is an endlessly good sport in flights, playing with the other males and even encouraging and helping them where he can. This stems from the fact that nothing is fun and happy for him if others are getting hurt. He will do his utmost - when not being a shoulder percher, anyways, though there is an increase in funny pictures if His grows upset during an interaction - to comfort and help any others and will pester His continuously to take him to the infirmary so that the blue may learn the art of Healing.
RubyFor letting me do so much of the razorclaw hatching on my own and generally being an awesome clutch making partner. It was awesome and fun! ^__^ Color: Blue
Impressed: ?
Appearance: This boy is all legs and bones. He is small, probably only as large as the average green. Yet his body will easily be as long as his blue brothers, with a whippy tail that loves to dance about almost unbidden. His long neck and legs will be a constant bother, tripping him when he lands and making him seem quite clumsy. His wings are also long and narrow, but unlike his limbs, these will make him a skilled and acrobatic flyer. He will likely spend much of his time in the air, though he will have to work to keep his endurance strong.
In color, he is quite lovely. Most of his body is a soft, gently blue that is nearly purple to the eye. Small white speckles seem to make his hide sparkle in the right light, especially when he's flying. A large spot of even paler lilac color rests over his chest, with another over his head like a helmet. Overall, it makes him fairly handsome, if a touch feminine.
Personality: They say those who rush into danger are either very brave or extremely stupid. This little blue is both. He strongly believes that he is the greatest hero that fire lizards have ever seen. A youngster fallen down a well? He is there! Monsters attacking the herd? He is there! However, will alone doesn't make a hero. He has no concept of just how small and ineffective he might be against his chosen foe of obstacle. He will usually end up causing more chaos or simply being funny instead of threatening. His bonded will probably have to spend a deal of time keeping him from putting himself in the thick of danger every other day.
Danger isn't the only thing on this hero's mind, though, oh no. After all, heroes are surrounded by their admirers. This spunky blue will flirt with almost any female he sees, of nearly any species. Fire lizard, salamandyr, avian, even dragons if he gets a chance. He is sure they can't resist his handsome body and male charm. Unfortunately, as with his attempted heroics, he'll probably come off as comical instead of endearing, but rejection will never darken his spirits or prevent him from trying again. The ladies simply don't realize what they're missing!
At the end of a long day of heroism, this blue will always have time to spare for his bonded. Of people, he will always help his person first and be there to defend them against anything from knives to bad food. Loyal to the end and always ready for a cuddle, he'll try his best to please his bonded any way he can. Even if he can't always succeed.
SheariShe's just been with me through so much. I came here, and we realized that we knew each other from another non pern-related site! What are the chances of that? She's always sweet, even though she seems to be having a hard time at home.Name:Impressed To:Color: Green (
E1FFD6 |
Appearance: Size wise, she’s longer than a lot of blue firelizards, but she’s rather thin and lanky, so she looks much smaller. Petite is a good term for this girl. She’s thin without a lot of obvious muscle, except for in her wings and tail. Though, this isn’t what first catches the attention of anyone who meets her for the first time. What others first notice is that her forelegs are tiny, shriveled little things. Obviously some kind of birth defect, they are absolutely unsuited for walking on. In fact, she prefers not to walk at all, even if she’s able to “walk” with her wings if she tries, she will prefer to fly. This lack of mobility has caused the muscles in her wings and tail to become absolutely massive. Because of the thick, powerful muscles in her wings and chest, she’s able to have the endurance of an average size brown and because of her small frame, the agility of a smaller green. Her tail is also extremely long and thin, almost prehensile, and she can use it to hold her in place.
Since she can’t walk, she’ll fly most of the time. She has also found out that hers’ makes an ideal perch, and she will spend a lot of time perched on hers’ shoulder, using her wings to keep her balanced because of the lack of forepaws. She’s an undeniably cute little flit, seemingly tiny and adorable, and decidedly unintimidating…but looks can deceive. And you will literally never have an idea what is going on in her little head. You might not know you’ve offended her until she tries to slash your throat.
In terms of color, she is mostly a very light, nearly pure white minty green. She would be mistaken for white in many lights and from most distances, if it wasn’t for her markings. Her light base coat is nearly unmarred, since she has very few markings. The markings she does have are quite severe indeed. A nearly black green which contrasts greatly against her light base coat encircles her eyes, and seems to run, as if she applied eyeliner and then cried. This gives her a perpetually spooky appearance. The same severe green colors the inside of her wings. It seems like an odd combination, and her colors surely crash, with both extremes of nearly white and nearly black.
Personality: Most green firelizards aren’t that intelligent. They are the “lowest” of colors, and as such, most just aren’t inherently all that smart. This little girl breaks all the stereotypes, not only that, but she blows them right out of the water. This girl is scarily smart. She knows things that a firelizard probably shouldn’t know. It wouldn’t be too much of a stretch to call her a genius. Her intelligence is on par with gold dragons, even if she doesn’t quite have the voice to express it. Revolutionary and brilliant, she has some amazing ideas. Too bad she’s stuck in a little firelizard body. She loves wondering what’s going on in the silly little minds of lesser beings (lesser beings being anyone except for herself of course). Obviously.
Extremely intelligent is this girl, and she’s honestly interested in what all is right and good with the world. She can get a little too intense in her beliefs…and she does have beliefs and is extremely passionate about them. Her passion can blind her sometimes to what really is right. She believes unfailingly about “a means to an end”. A bit of a chaotic lawful personality, as long as she has an end in sight, and that end is just and right, she can justify any means whatsoever to get there, even harming other beings if they get in her way. And she is quite ruthless when it comes to her pursuit of things. She wants what she wants and she will accept no substitutions. She often has a project she’s working on, because above all, she hates being bored. Boredom breeds stupidity, in her mind, and she isn’t keen on letting that happen. So, if anyone interrupts her while she’s working, she will blow up on them, and they better get far, far away…because while she isn’t very big, or even extremely scare, she’s a genius, and she will not hesitate to use whatever she can get her talons on to punish the offending being.
She often sees herself as a queen. She honestly believes that because of how smart she is, and she’s smarter than most humans, that she is better than them. She looks down her nose at other firelizards. Most of them are pretty smart, maybe not even close to her level, but she prefers to spend time around salamandyrs, because they are so blissfully stupid and easier to mold. Because she can be sweet, nauseatingly sweet to get what she wants…and if she wants a minion, she will flirt and charm the nearest stupid brown or blue salamandyr. When it comes to rising, she will rise, a lot. She’s an endless tease though, and while she welcomes firelizards and salamandyrs in her flights, she’ll probably only ever choose a salamandyr as her mate, mostly because most of them are really too stupid to present any sort of threat to her. She’ll assemble a harem of stupid males, eager to please her. She’ll shower them in shinies and treats, or whatever their silly little heart’s desire to keep them near her. Because while she doesn’t have the most street smarts, and she isn’t the most social little flit (in fact, she’s a bit of a social outcast. She doesn’t know how to socially act around others short of ordering them around), she has this underlying desire to be loved, above all else. She knows that no one in her harem actually loves her, they’re entranced by her pretty glow and unending treats.
It may not seem like it, but she does have a heart. She will have a favorite in her harem, and it will be obvious. To her harem members, she’s extremely attentive, adoring and undeniably loyal. If anyone could look past her superiority complex, they would be able to see that while she doesn’t show it, she’s extremely kind at heart. She just has far too many things going on in her head at one time, and no way of expressing these short of being overly demanding and aggressive. To her chosen human, she treats them almost like she would a harem member. She is loving and adoring, even if she sees hers’ as dreadfully stupid. She will shower hers’ in treats and gifts and be sickeningly sweet to them. Because what good is a human if not a means to an end? She isn’t nearly as sweet to other humans though, and to dragons she’s downright hateful, unless they belong to hers’. Whers fare slightly better, since most are kinda stupid (in her estimation).
KishaKisha is always amusing and puts in her opinion in the cBox. For her undying love of whers, which I find facinating, and because she is Kisha.Name: Looks To: Species: Fire lizard
Colour: Green (
Physical Appearance: Large is a word that could possibly describe this green. She’s not quite large enough to rival a blue in size, but she certainly has the bearing to make it seem so. Her head is feminine with expressive eyes, that follows into an elegant neck. Her shoulders are even and always held “back”, with broad wings capable of an endurance smaller greens can only dream of. This won’t allow her to make too many tricks, but she can fly for a while. Her body is trim and fit and ends in a graceful tail just a tad bit short and thick. The most notable feature about this green is her short legs. The shortness of these limbs makes her body appear elongated. Her short stride and quick gait makes her unsuited to being on the ground, but when she does walk, she makes sure her head is held high.
This green’s hide is a vibrant apple green, like the sun through leaves, with light green-gold flecks. Her most distinct marking is that of a dark wood-brown “tree” that seems to start at her tail and “grow” up her back, branching out along the backs of her wings, following the trails of the veins until they fade completely just beyond mid-wingsail. Aside from the flecks, the rest of this green is without mark.
Personality: To those who like peace and quiet (or perhaps don‘t like birds), this green will be annoying. She likes to sing, and she likes to imitate songbirds. She will sing, and trill, and chirp, and make all sorts of noises as she tries her best to make a song of her own. Something different from the birds. She does, however, greatly dislike harsh noises, like those of a Razorclaw, roaring dragons, and yelling. These sounds she will try to avoid. The best way to woo her and be her friend is to sing to or with her. When she rises she will most likely value the suitor with the best song.
Despite the singing, this green holds a regal air, or at least tries to. Proper manners is a must, and while she is no dainty eater herself, she likes to keep clean. Mud and dirt are utterly off-limits because ladies simply
don’t get dirty. She is utterly devoted to Hers and all of Her’s other mindmates, and so fixed on cleanliness that she will try to clean them if she deems them soiled. This won’t be stopped by size, and those who fight her affections will be pinned down (or at least she will try to pin them down) and force them clean, like a fussy mother. Dragons, whers, fire lizards, Salamandyrs, Hers, Her’s friends, no one is beyond a good grooming. If there is no one around to “spit bathe”, then she will be more than content to perch or be near Hers (you never know when those silly bondeds will find a puddle!) and sing until told to be quiet. It will take time to get her to learn that command, but she will…eventually.
RowanaShe got the first Chandil thread. Porita and him will totes be bffs after he gets over the fact she has a blue wher. <3Duchess Green Color:
green| #
347235 - #
Unlike other greens, this girl is not sleek and feminine, her body not giving way to voluptuous firelizard curves; but don’t tell her that, as she does her best to hide her unseemly mass.
Oh she’s voluptuous enough, her head sleek and slim, dainty as a princess, resting on a long and slender neck that can twist to her back to reach the hardest to reach spots to get at any itch that just won’t leave her alone when Hers isn’t around. In fact, she’s so adept at finding any area of dry skin and scratching it raw, that Hers will have to be careful with this green and how flexible she is, impressing on her mind that if she scratches it may mean death for her, and hopefully in time she’ll become smart enough to smear oil on her snout and get her own itches though she’ll never complain to a good oiling and rubbing from Hers. Her tail matches her neck, overly long and slender, whip like in its disposition and she’d just like to point out the fact that it is utterly, and absolutely, the most wonderful part of her figure. She’s always fastidious in keeping her tail clean, it will never
ever touch the ground even when she is utterly exhausted, the only instance where it touches the ground will be if someone tackles her tail and you can be sure she will immediately turn on them like a mama bear protecting her cubs.
Though she favors her tail, it is her wings that receive the most admiring murmurs or gazes; not only for their color but for how easily they cover her body when folded, like the little green is wearing a dress of some sort. Her wing muscles are more developed than others, perhaps naming her an endurance flyer if she had been smaller, though it’s true that with practice she may be able to become quite the little endurance flyer, but she has no interest in it so it will be up to Hers to be interested in that sort of thing. Her wings are larger, longer and far more able to carry to her places than some of her green sisters, from wing tip to wing tip, her wing size nearly beats that of a smaller blue, perhaps why she is able to fold her wings such that it seems like she is wearing a dress. But the very reason she folds her wings like that, is to hide the unseemly mass of her bulky body. When hidden, she looks as feminine as other greens, but it’s simply an illusion she chooses to put on. Her body is large, bulky and not at all curvy, she is made of muscle and she absolutely despises it, finding it easier to gain weight if she eats too much and adding to her bulk. Her legs are shorter than they should be, making her hopping lope something far from graceful, making her choose to ride around on Hers shoulder or stay in one place more often than not. When she does have to walk, she only does it for short lengths, working at an easy, loping gate that doesn’t look quite as silly as her full speed walk. She uses her wings to hide her curveless bulk, placing them just so, so that her legs look longer than they are. She will only uncover her bulk for pleasure flying, which she does little of, around Hers, to show off her wings or during a mating Flight. Because it’s true, when uncovered it is very odd to see that slender neck connecting to such a large bulk. Her ultimate size is only slightly larger than an average green, she is nowhere near being blue sized which satisfies her immensely; though she will never be able to dance gracefully across the sky she will be able to outlast most of her tinier sisters.
Her coloration is perhaps the most interesting part of her; it’s what makes her wings what they are to be admired over. Her base color is a wonderful medium forest green, covering her entire body except for where the lighter green breaks through. While the nearly unbroken forest green could be considered the most wonderful color on her hide, but the lighter green is what makes it. Breaking through the forest to create wonderful patterns, there is an unbroken stride to this color on her underbelly, starting just below her collarbone and ending at the tips of her forked tail, all on her under regions. The light green circles her wrist just before her front claws, looking for all the world like bracelets resting on her forearms. It encircles the lower half of her neck like a large necklace, the tip of it ending just before her collar bone and not daring to touch her underbelly’s color. Where the necklace closes on her back, a line starts up under her neck ridges, going between her head knobs and onto her forehead to spread out only slightly, and continue down to halfway on her muzzle. The final area this lighter green rests is her wing sails, not on the upper area of her wings, oh no, but the under area of her sails are covered in this glittering color, and she shows them off gladly, the only reason she would uncover her bulk.
Vain, indifferent, selfish; the perfect lady. Conniving, contriving, scheming her way up as far as her little claws can reach; all this, the twist and curve of her little firelizard mind, hidden behind a mask of dignity, poise and elegance.
Her manners are polished, perfect and rarely ill you find fault with them. She will ask before she takes, daintily taking whatever was offered her in her maw before storing it away, or it eating it right at that moment. When someone enters the room, she will chirp a pleasant greeting, flicking her tail as she acknowledges them with a grace nod of her head. From her perch on Hers shoulder, the most likely place you will find the flitter, she studies her world with what one would consider a benevolent and curious gaze. If she sees that a person or flitter needs help, she will wing her way forward and down, pleasantly entreating the person or flitter of what they would like her to do, she will then proceed with anything they ask of her. Ever so willing to share Hers, she will not object to Hers being with another, she may even welcome another poor soul onto Hers other shoulder, chittering anxiously at any firelizard down on their luck. She is perfect, kind, and diplomatic, breaking up fights between her males at any moment, purring that there’s plenty of her to go around for all as she flirts and twines with any male at all. Perhaps the only thing that can show through her mask, is the fact that she considers the salamandyr’s with disdain, finding their species to be on the lower end compared to firelizards(what could compare to their beautifully proportioned bodies, I ask you), her politeness becoming stiff and cool around them.
But all of this, all her kindness and dignity, has a hidden agenda; something to hide. How could she climb the flitter social ladder if she was not kind, generous and polite? That would take her nowhere. Her greetings are marred with an irritable whirl of her eyes, many of those in need outright ignored if she doesn’t spy them directly. If she hadn’t seen them she had an excuse not to help, though she will become quite skilled at catching things out of the corners of her many faceted eyes. She is extremely jealous and possessive and if any around Hers overstays their welcome, they will find the green beginning to glare at them balefully and depending on how irritable she is, she may even hiss and snap at them ruining her perfectly cultivated image. She finds fights amusing, seeing them as chances to flirt with potential suitors or watch as the female competition falls, at times she will even encourage a fight, with a croon or chirp of encouragement to one of the combatants, inviting the winner into her string of suitors, the loser thoroughly ignored. Throughout her life she will collect a harem of males, any and all color, she’s not judgmental though it’s no lie that there will mostly be blues following her whim, she finds it a source of pride within her if she can cultivate a bronze the highest of the male ranking colors, and the ability to climb the social ladder upwards though it’s no lie bronzes can be as fickle as greens and hold loyalties to their queens first. If she loses a male, especially a rank ladder as she so dubs bronzes, she will sulk. And sulk. And then rage. Her rage fits will be short and brief, but they will be large. She is not a flitter without temper, and when she gets riled up only Hers can settle her down. She is only out for herself and herself alone, any other firelizards that Hers has will find themselves bossed around and shoved off shoulders if they are in her way. Mean and spiteful, she’s not shy of shoving others away from spots that are prime, whether by tricking them or bodily force(her bulk come sin use sometimes), she wants what anyone else has. This flitter will have a small collection of trinkets that are her love, her life, apart from Hers, and one of her habits when she’s not trying to Impress those people that need Impressing, is to clean and admire her trinkets. She likes shiny things, but is not biased to finding a particularly shaped plant and keeping it in the nest she’ll build for herself in Hers quarters. If ever forced to move from her nest, she will complain loudly and entreatingly begging for them not to move and resettle.
She will always and meekly obey queens, subjected to their scolding by the curse of her birth, she will rarely grumble in complaint when she’s put in her place by a gold though she whine for sympathy from Hers later. Why did they always have to pick on
her? She will always and completely love Hers, crooning and chirping pleasantly and in all truth to Hers, twining her tail lovingly around their neck as they walk the corridors, she will obey Hers without question unless they are trying to interfere with her master plans. But even then she will only complain slightly, flying off later to take out her annoyance on a poor unsuspecting fool. Hers will be the only one to see her true nature, the mask always falling in private unless she wants something. They will be subjected to all her tirades, rants and ravings and little tantrums when she loses the gamble. She likes to pull the strings behind the scenes, and when she’s suddenly taken from being puppetmaster to puppet she will screech her displeasure to the Heavens. Her mask may be what hides her nature from the others, but her loudness, jealously and laspes in the illusion will soon have at least every human in the Weyr aware of her conniving ways, able to resist that pleasant cheep and curious tip of her head, though firelizards may forget quick enough. Now if only she could remember where she put her clutches she could begin arranging marriages for her young…
duchesses|corrupt noblewomen
Tashethe awesomeness of my dwarf dragon (better late ect?)Name: ?
Species: Firelizard
Colour: blue
# a7c5cfAppearance: A depressing shade of blue, the base hide of this firelizard is about the same colour of the sky on grey wet days that leech the world of colour and meaning. In addition to that his hide will never show a healthy gleam, it will always remain dull so his bonded will have to watch his behaviour for clues to his health. The only part of him that will ever gleam is his single marking, a deep night blue spot, perfectly circular, right between his eyes.
His form is very nearly as unfortunate as his colour, nothing on this firelizard’s body quite matches up. His back legs are significantly longer than his front legs and actually cause him trouble in getting around on the ground. His tail is better suited to a salamandyr, being as it’s super long and skinny, and as for his head, well that’s just better suited to a bigger firelizard in general. Luckily he has so much personality that hardly anyone will notice his uninspiring looks.
Personality: With his person, and that one person alone this blue is the world’s cuddliest firelizard. If allowed he’ll spend all day, every day snuggled up to his bonded’s neck with very little time off for the other necessities of firelizard life, and if his human objects, well he’ll just spend his time butting his head against a hand, or any other convenient part, in an attempt to garner some attention. However with all other humans, this firelizard has his nose so high in the air it’s surprising he doesn’t walk into things. Prideful does not even begin to cover it. He is their lord, he is their master, it is his right, privilege, and duty to put them all in their place by ignoring or attacking as needed. Sometimes he may even do them the very great favour of allowing them to touch him, but woe betide them if they do it wrong. The Master is not above correcting his slaves with claws.
In matters of other firelizards and salamandyr company this blue isn’t nearly as picky. If it’s female, he love it, if it’s shiny and female he loves it more. If male, it has to be taught its place, right now if not sooner. Really it’s a good thing he doesn’t wander far from his human too often. When he does vanish it’s normally to engage in one of his two favourite activities. The first is chasing anything with a tail, if there’s a Flight or a Run on, he is there.
The second of his favoured pastimes is hunting with an enthusiasm that may shock the unwary. If it’s smaller than him, the same size as him, or only slightly bigger than him, he’ll have a good try at killing and eating it, even if he can’t eat the whole thing. He’s not afraid to attack predatory darters, razorclaw hatchlings, tunnelsnakes, rodents, and probably a few other things that no human has ever seen, all in the name of food and fun. Just in case his hunting skills are in doubt he’ll bring his bonded a few mutilated and partially eaten dead things, with much pride and love.
IvyI'm thankful to Ivy for being one of my oldest Pern friends... People like her (and her in particular) are one of the reasons I keep coming back.Name:
Impressed to:
Color: Blue (abfffd) Markings (00d39d)
tinyurl.com/75h2ay2Physical Appearance:
Small. He's little, even for a Green flit; there are some gold Salamandyrs that will pass him up, and that's saying something. Unfortunately for him, his tail and wings are proportionally small. They are certainly functional, but they do absolutely nothing to make his frame look any larger. He's simply a little guy from hatchling to full growth, and there's nothing to be done about that. He's pretty scrawny, too, but surprisingly strong given how twiggy he looks. You won't see ribs or bones, at least. He's quite healthy, after all, just... little.
All of his features are sharp, too. Everything on him seems to come to a point, preferably a painful one. His claws are long and sharp (they will probably require trimming, assuming His can make him sit still long enough), his incisors are long enough to show even when his mouth is closed, and he will never be a fun flit to pet, what with the bony, pointed ridges running down his back. His muzzle tapers off to a wicked hook, and even the fork of his tail seems to be pointier than necessary. The hide down his back is wrinkled and thick, not all that pleasant looking, but the true surprise is his underbelly. There, the flesh is soft and warm, smooth to the touch and thin enough that you can see the faint traces of veins under his pale hide.
At first, he might look like a White, and he's nearly small enough to be one. Nearly. When you look closer, though, his hide is icy blue-gray, bluer in the shade and sparkling in the sun. When he flares his wings, though, his true colors literally show. His wing membranes are the vivid blue-green of a tropical sea, shading towards blue in actuality but compared to his light blue hide appearing more in the spectrum of green. Beyond the darkened membranes, he has no markings, unless you count the visible veins on his underbelly, green ichor seen through blue hide - the same color as his wings.
He seems stand-offish at first, no question about that. Along with a bit of a napoleon complex, he's a painfully self-aware and patently insecure little beast, especially when it comes to his gender/color. He is a BLUE, thank you, and he goes out of his way to act like a typically obvious male. Extremely grumpy, especially when people think he's a white or call him 'it', he will absolutely go so far as to bite someone he doesn't like. Of course, he'd rather go sulk in a corner, but sometimes people just need to be taught a lesson. He's a master sulker, too, and even if someone
has been taught a lesson, he might just go sulk to His anyway.
Another thing he hates: being underestimated. If people think he can't do something, he'll be the first to prove them wrong, and while he has the good luck to be a fairly smart and talented flitter overall, simply proving them wrong once is not enough. He has to do it over and over again, better every time. It can get tiring, but HE is never bothered. Do. Not. Underestimate.
Honestly, this flit would be kind of a mess if he was left to his own devices. UnImpressed, he probably would have spent the entirety of his short life in deep depression, only to be eaten by some horrible creature he was trying to taunt. Luckily, though, he impressed, and he's smart enough to know that his bonded basically saved his life. This translates into a deep, fierce love, somewhat equivalent to the love a parent might have for a child. He's still his grumpy self around His, but they are one of the few people this blue will adopt into his family. He loves getting attention from said family (belly scratches and cuddles are the best), and even if he still seems sharp and angry at the world, it will be clear that he is pleased with them. Enough love and attention from His could bring out this 'loving' side more, but it will take time and care. Luckily, as he is rarely far from His, time and care will not be hard to give.
LottyWhen I first came to Selenitas and created Ivy (true, she came after Roselle, but she's essentially me - I was putting myself out there in posting), I had nothing to do with her. I hadn't posted all that much at all with either Roselle or Ivy (myself). Lotty offered up one of her chars and thus I ended up in a fantastically silly post with the two hobos. It helped make me feel more welcome to the forum, it helped me get a feel for other people around here, and really helped break the wall I was initially feeling since everyone else here seems to really know one another and I was newish. I appreciated it a lot, and appreciate all the threads others have had with me since then - and the people who talk to me on cbox even when I'm not posting. I love Sel, and if I could give everyone something special I would - but since I can't and Lotty's name was on there, she's the one! Color: Green(Base color: 267F00 - Marking color: 4CFF00)
Appearance:The average green is around 23" from head to tail tip once fully grown - but not this girl, not at all. As a hatchling she will seem about even with others her age. Even at a few months old she will keep about even in size and growth with them. However at about half a turn old she will seemingly stop growing all together - she'll stop at about 19" and never get any larger.
Where she is small in length and girth she makes up for in wingspan - they seem truly too large for this little gal. They'll no doubt make her a little more awkward in the air than others are and she won't be able to pull off all the impressive aerial maneuvers her color are usually known for. Her body is very lithe, if she were any larger she would appear very very thin to the point of looking ill; however thanks to her small stature she looks fit rather than a hide stretched over a skeleton.
Not only in size is she anything but average, she also has a unique hide color that will undoubtedly always have her sticking out of the crowd. A dark forest moss green color coats her entire body, nose to tailtip and even over her wing membranes. This color runs unbroken over her lithe little body with only two exceptions: around her neck and down half of her chest is a lighter and brighter hue of green that wraps in a ribbon's width, it almost looks like a scarf - then on her right front foot she has a 'sock' of the same color. She is interesting to look at and her hide will always have a bit of a sheen to it even between oilings, oil this girl regularly and her hide will be shiney and bright like no other!
Personality:Physically small she may be, but when it comes to personality she is definitely anything but. If it weren't for the lovely shades of green painted over her hide you'd think this girl was a gold. Where others her color are happy, energetic, flirty, and fun this green is not quite so. The feeling of power seems to exude from this little lady, power and perhaps even some malice. She is not above using her sharp claws to put another in his or her place - be it firelizard or salamandyr. She is demanding of her bonded - if she is hungry she is hungry
now and must be fed
right this second. If she sees something she wants, a trinket or perhaps some jewelry, she wants it
Standing in the way of this green and something she wants is a bad idea. A very very bad idea. She is intelligent and cunning, both of which she will use to her advantage every chance she gets. Now don't get her wrong - she isn't all bossy and mean. She has to sleep sometime after all. In flights she is likely to choose a brown over a blue but that isn't always the case - if it were up to her she'd have all the males but since she can't she tends to go for ones she feels are more 'powerful'.
Outside of flights she tries her best to keep company with golds and bronzes when not with her bonded. She does not tolerate other greens very well, especially if they have the more typical fun and outgoing persona usually attributed to the color. Fights? She is likely to be the instigator in any fights she finds herself in, though she does a decent job of holding her own and will rarely get seriously injured.
SebzSebz is ever enthusiastic and a joy to have on the site. Her characters are all exactly that, they are fun to stalk and play with. In the cbox she always seems to keep things fun even despite being busy and probably stressed out over all those amazing musical pieces she's working on. Keep on keepin on Sebz and don't ever stop!Name:Color: Green #00611C #00C78C #CCCC00
Appearance:Dark, but brilliant green hide; certainly a paradox to a degree, but then there is a lot about this firelizard that can be said to escape everyday conventions. Nearly iridescent in nature, this lovely lady boasts a hide with a definite glossy finish, the base coat of green matching the rich shades of Fat Tuesday's decadence, but thrown slightly by the encroaching tinges of teal seeping in with the light's play upon her angles. Even fainter then are the notes of a greenish gold that flash along her trunk under the sun's revealing rays, and sink again under the weyr's dimmed glows. Indeed, she has the colors of the common bottle fly, but none of the pest's undesirable aspects, no buggy eyes, grotesque hairs, or spindly sick limbs to inspire the skin to crawl. With not a stray mark to mar her hide, this girl can be called immaculate - though what good owner would see anything but perfection in their dearest pet anyway?
Shapely, this green is a draconian bombshell, with curves that taper off at all the right places. There is a pleasant roundness to her hindlegs and rump that softens into the length of her rather long and looping tail. knobs sit on her stately head with regal poise, and her chest puffs up proud. It is not a wonder then that the creature was born with her makeup already drawn in: the blackest black edges her narrowed eyes and flicks up on the corners in a catty style. Needless to say, she is a looker - and in more ways than one. The lining around these jeweled eyes punctuates a sternness in her visage. She is no non-sense, and when this Voodoo Woman cranes her elegant neck at you, a shiver can likely run down your spine, that is if her ebony claws, sharp and hooked as they are, don't do the job already; her bonded would be well advised to invest in some thick leather to protect the fragile skin of their shoulder.
Her wings, cocked a tad higher than they should, drape over her body like a cloak or a shawl, and on the rare occasion they open to the air, prove to be absolutely massive - as if this girl needed any help in the size department, fully grown she will be every bit the size of an average blue. When stretched in this manner, the ichor coursing through these wings prove to be so thick as to make a web of black to lace the membranes. A somewhat mesmerizing, if haunting sight.
Personality:It is impossible to know much for certain about this particular "little" flit. She does present herself to be something of a enigma, conducting herself hardly in the manner expected of others of her kind. For one, she is incredibly stoic which is simply not the conduct of your typical flighty and playful green. With her cool disposition, she is most likely to take up space sitting pretty, but alert, on her bonded's shoulder, casting her soul piercing gaze at innocent bystanders. Her stillness, for that matter, can be particularly unsettling. For hours on end she is perfectly content in one place as if watching... waiting and with not a peep to come from her. No, instead she is the type to speak in visions, even in the face of cooing from her owner. She is selectively mute, preferring her own methods of collecting sights and gossip from flitter and mandyr alike and distributing them around again in vivid pictures, quietly sent from mind to mind. This one is savvy in that way, she is not known to be prejudiced to those of any species, they are all of use to her in some way.
Karma is a very real thing in dealing with this firelizard, for there is a give and take, an ebb and flow. Treat her well and be rewarded, but cross her and prepare for the sky to fall, because she will assure you that her vengeance comes sevenfold. She will be the first to offer advice, though confusing as it is, and in the most gentle and motherly way.
Don't do this... she'll suggest through a surge of emotions, or
I can help you with your problem... she'll propose with her image work. Soft touches here and there ensure that maternal sense of guidance and lull the more naive into a sense of security. But with her ethereal wisdom comes a price, and she most definitely knows how the "You scratch my back, I scratch yours..." business works. She demands gifts most often, and hoards the trinkets and shinies that she receives in thanks. Food can be easily slipped to as well - she shouldn't have to go out of her way to hunt if she doesn't have to. Other times it is rumors that she wants... tell her what you know, and you'll receive her favor. To lie to her, or try and trick her however, is an egregious offense and while she'll likely send out her faithful to enact the revenge, she has the tools - smarts and a scary set of talons - to go about punishing misdeeds herself. Just don't get caught in any dark alleys.
Other: Considering it is almost Mardi Gras, I based this flit off of New Orleans and the Voodoo Queen Marie Laveau. Enjoy!